Is this actually happening to me?!

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Hi! Iv'e was diagnosed this week with cancer. I'm only 19, I don't feel like it is me its really happening to. 

When I talk about it I feel like i'm talking about someone else, is that normal? I feel like I'm watching it happening to me from outside my body, its crazy! Is this going to hit me at some point, in some massive way?   

  • FormerMember

    Heyup Amy, Paul Andrew Smith, 60 years on the clock (old git!)

    I have found that the best weapon against my cancer is my personal phylosophy.

    Each day I think of it as a living entity that has invaded me. Then I remind him that he can't get out and I give him a list of the things I'm going to do to him. Take the medicine, good food, exercise, vitamins and positive thinking.

    I find taking charge of my inner voice is vital. Whatever the tone of my inner voice is, at the start of the day, will determine how I deal with him. It is a day to day fight.

    This is just one of my ways, it may not be for you.

    CARRY ON CARRYING ON   Paul. A. Smith

  • FormerMember

    Hi! Im trying to think about beating it, but its just hard because i feel fine. I feel like its not there, I was shocked! Its hard to feel like you can fight something when its already crept up on you and is winning. Ill keep trying, thanks for your comment!  x 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Amy.   I'm a grandma who has had both surgery and radiotherapy for mouth cancer ...... that was four years ago and here I am still enjoying my grandchildren. Yes, do join a group where you can talk to others and get more support ...... they are a lovely bunch here !

    Try and be positive, keep looking forwards to beating this thing ..... sending you strength and hugs.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you very much Joycee! Youre right they are very nice  

    Amy x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I have only just been diagnosed this week too and feeling exactly the way you are.

    I am 32 and a single mother and scared as hell.

    May I ask what type you have?

    I have cervical cancer and being tested for head and neck cancer which is affecting my larynx and nose.

    I am always here if you need a freindly ear xx