Is this actually happening to me?!

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Hi! Iv'e was diagnosed this week with cancer. I'm only 19, I don't feel like it is me its really happening to. 

When I talk about it I feel like i'm talking about someone else, is that normal? I feel like I'm watching it happening to me from outside my body, its crazy! Is this going to hit me at some point, in some massive way?   

  • FormerMember

    Hi to all you newly diagnosed,

    What can I say, everyone has reassured you it's normal to feel a whole heap of emotions those first few weeks, anger was a good one for me I made a great Hulk . There isn't a right or wrong way to feel, just let yourself feel and let those emotions out, don't keep them in. Blog, write, talk, scream, cry, laugh but share , share with friends , family or here. My early blogs sound so different to now.

    No age is the right age, no circumstance or time !! We are all members of a club that none of us wanted to join, but you will see with a little help from friends, family, the support online  and off line that actually you can cope with this and you can make something scary and unwanted a positive experience, you may not think so right now have to work your way through emotions to get acceptance but you will.

    I'm 7 months into my journey and Chelle I'm a single mum, too you can do this , being a single mum will have equipped you with strong coping strategies. 

    If there is anything I can offer to help you with just shout xx

  • FormerMember

    hi! xxxxchellexxxx I know how you feel! im very scared

    I have serous carcinoma (not sure where the primary source is yet)

    And thanks Sassy71, its nice to know how supportive everyone on here is!