Is this actually happening to me?!

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Hi! Iv'e was diagnosed this week with cancer. I'm only 19, I don't feel like it is me its really happening to. 

When I talk about it I feel like i'm talking about someone else, is that normal? I feel like I'm watching it happening to me from outside my body, its crazy! Is this going to hit me at some point, in some massive way?   

  • FormerMember

    Hi, im so sorry to hear whats happend to you. When i was told i was 27 and thought exactly the same. Kept thinking i was too young to have cancer!! that its not happening to me, they'll phone me up and tell me they've made a mistake. But with great support from family and friends u'll get through it. Every1 kept saying "they can do wonders now adays". Stay positive and take as much help as you need. with great support u'll get through it alot easier.

  • FormerMember

    Thats exactly what im waiting for, a phone call to say oops! thanks for replying. 

  • FormerMember


    I was 32 when diagnosed just turned 33 yesterday, getting old lol.  Still so young in the cancer stakes, as people say.  I don't think it ever hits home.  I am nearly 6 months from having surgery for thyroid cancer.  I just don't think still, that this is happening, so rare to get cancer at my age, as with yourself, but even rarer to get thyroid cancer..  I never smoked, drank, didn't eat much junk food, have a sweet tooth mind, ate my greens, but never thought in a million years this could happen to me. 

    All I can say is as heth21 has said there, take all the help you can get.  I have been to conselling and have found it to be a life line, was very very sceptical about it, but it has been great.  I cry when I need to and with your family and friends you will get though it all.  Not an easy road by a long shot but do able. 

    Take care

    Lolabean :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

     I think everyone thinks the same at first but you do slowly get your head round it and you do slowly cope and get positive. I don't think there is the sledgehammer realisation, you had that bit, now it will filter in as you go along and get swept up with treatment etc. Things have moved on a huge amount with treatments and cures etc. You don't say what cancer you have but take heart from the fact that there are loads of us on here who have been there done that and come out the other side... you can do it and you will.

    Once you get your head around it and think lets get on with kicking this thing, you will get straighter in your head. Take all the help going. Get counselling, join the cancer type group on here, join the 16-24 cancer group and talk to others your own age....

    You can fight it and get on with your life. I am back at work, swimming, going to the gym, going abroad on holiday, working full time, studying on the side etc It is not the end of the world, just a pause and it will give you courage in the long run to face whatever else life throws at you in the future as you can think I kicked cancer, this is nothing....

    Good luck and keep talking.

    Little My xxx (who is ancient in her 40's!)

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Lolabean, nice to know im not alone wondering how someone healthy like me got this. 

    thanks Little my, ill join that group, sounds good!