what a difference a day makes

1 minute read time.

Firstly I'd like to thank anyone that takes the time to read this. Having friends asking me how are things going although helpful.  Unless they have been in this type of situation I don't feel I can really tell them everything I'm feeling or going through mainly because I feel that I'm burdening them so....


After a couple of rough days worrying about how little she is eating because of the nausea and vomitting she seems to slowly day by day being able to manage to keep food down, which gives me hope about how she will cope through treatment, when that finally gets started!!!


I should by rights be feeling happy.  I'd be lying if I say I didn't expect a miracle after the first good day... maybe I expect too much too soon. She is still so tired (understandable) and she is now taking more of the pain relief though that doesn't stop the pain really, then I start thinking what is the differnce to a couple of days ago when she didn't supposedly need this much pain medication.  Is she trying to put on a brave face or is it getting worse daily??? I really want to ask her but at the same time I'm not sure I really want to hear the answer.


Ah well I suppose I should just wait and see as like I said before maybe I expect too much too soon.


Rant over thanks for listening


Hugs and best wishes to all

Helen xxx


So before I get myself into a state I guess I should leave this blog update here and wait and see what the coming days bring.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen

    This is a journey of ups and downs for everyone.  No point trying to second-guess yourself.  The idea of blogging is all about capturing a moment and how it makes you feel.  And the comments that come back to you, are because what you are coping with, resonates with others.

    You could wait until you know exactly how things are going, before blogging, but I suspect you would have a very long wait, because this disease is unpredictable.  So better to get it out there than carry it around with you.

    As for your Mum's pain, if it's like mine, there are good days and bad days, and no apparent reason for it either.  So unless the painkillers really aren't doing their job, or she isn't taking them regularly, I wouldn't worry too much.  The fact she's managing to eat a bit more is a really hopeful sign though, so long may it continue.

    One tip about the pain meds which I've learned to my cost.  If they're prescribed for 3 or 4 times a day, then Mum needs to take them as prescribed.  The build up of the drugs in her system will reduce breakthrough pain and even things out.  If she only takes them when she actually experiences pain, she will just be reacting, rather than preventing, and that can make a difference to how she copes with everything.  But if you have any questions  or concerns about her pain meds, don't hang about, speak to her GP.

    I'll be hoping you both have a good weekend.

    Take care

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    Thers is nothing wrong in hoping for a miracle, they do happen some times. I was suppose to die 10 yrs ago.

    But I can assure you that its me writing this comment. Not,a ghost.  You and your Mum look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all sorry, I was just having a shitty night. I can only be sensible for so long.  To use a friends saying  ''I'm FINE'' (feeling insecure neurotic and emotional) kicked my own arse after reading the blogs of others.

    I am so glad I found this place as I'd be a fruit loop by now if I hadn't!!!

    Love to you all

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi feeling goods today hope your coping. I think its the lull before the storm . Havent felt ok for a while now, its funny mum is just her normal self bless. thats howw i want to be , every one who goes through all this deserve big medals massive big hug to you tracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx oh by the way  your not on your own feeling shitty most of the time i want to shout leave mymum alone

  • FormerMember

    Welcome to Macland - home of Fruit Loops, Helen!

    I've tended to call it Facebook for cancer patients and LMs other half calls it 'Tumours Reunited', which is much cleverer!

    I don't know where I would be without Macland and the people in it.  But I know it gets me through a lot of bad days, and helps me enjoy the good ones.  I hope it does the same for you and tracyring.

    Lots of love, Ann x