The great escape

1 minute read time.

Well after the talk with the Drs on Thursday they kept to the bargain and allowed mum home :)

She is unfortunately suffering with nausea. Don't know if its from the meds, tiredness or calcium count in the blood (probably abit of all 3). She is keeping stubborn about the build up drinks and refusing to have them, for now I am letting it go, well for a couple more days anyway.  I am going to try again soon to change her mind because 600 calories a day (and not always that when she is being sick) to my way of thinking is not going to give her the energy she needs when she starts with the chemo. So this is something she is just going to have to swallow literally ;)

Tiredness? Check.   Pain? Check.   Nausea? Check.   Constipation? Check  Confusion? Double check.  She is having some really strange conversations with us lately, when she realises that she is not making sense it is heart breaking to see the confusion and fear in her eyes. On the other hand it does sometimes make us all laugh.  Think I am going to get a pad and write them down because then (a) I can post them on here to show that sometimes there are things about this experience that can still make you smile/laugh and (b) so in the hard times ahead it will give my family and I something to remember and bring once again a smile or chuckle into our day.

So now I have offloaded I am going. Thank you all for listening. Till the next time hugs and bestwishes to you all. 

Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    What a sad but caring post. Its not easy to see your Mum

    suffering like that,with all the side effects. It can be very tiring for you and your Family. I can only hope things improve and your Mum can get some relief.. Dont forget about yourself and have some me time. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarsfield,

    She is sleeping at the moment so that blessedly gives her a break from it (and us too).

    My me time is going out to go to work and doing the shopping etc not glamourous I know but it does give me time away from being daughter, mum and carer.  That and the occasional vodka ;)

    Hugs and bestwishes

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    My Mum had lung cancer so I know just how you and your family are feeling. My heart goes out to you all(((((((HUGS))))))))


  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    What drinks has your mum got?  My dad has got Fortisip, they're 300 calories and I struggle to get him to have more than one in a day, my aim is 3!!

    Would extra calcium cause sickness? With bone mets the calcium thickens apparently so that may be why.  There's nothing positive in there is there!!  Keep going with the voddie though :) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen

    Sorry to hear your mum isn't herself at times.  Seems to be yet another indignity to cope with.  Glad you're staying positve though and still pushing calories.  Hopefully she'll give in and start being sensible soon.  Don't know what chemo she'll be getting but hopefully it won't make her feel any sicker than she is already, and hopefully the meds will get that under control soon.

     I must admit that for me, nausea (no vomiting) was the least bothersome side-effect.  However, if your Mum's losing weight, I can understand why you're concerned, as you can't afford for her to lose any more.

    Another important thing, for all sorts of reasons, is to drink loads.  They'll tell you that when she goes for chemo, but it may also help her confusion now, as not enough fluids can cause all sorts of weird symptoms.

    Remember to look after yourself too!

    Ann x