Highs and Lows

Less than one minute read time.

On the bus to work today it was really hard not to cry, sometimes i wish i was just a crying withering wreck all the time so people didnt just think im fine and dandy but however much i try and can never make all the pain come out when i want it to. Just in inapropriate places like on the damn bus!

I've been walking around like a zombie and i feel the real urge to scream at people 'DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHATS HAPPENED TO ME!!!' Really selfish and daft i know! My head is utterly screwed and people keep giving me that look of sympathy but not actualy saying sorry to hear about your dad. Thats the worst thing, when people just completely ignor it.

Im not really making any sense so il stop at that.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Pinky,

    As Nic says - you make perfect sense to us, Sorry to hear about your Dad - How are you feeling ??

    Feel like going from there ??


    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pinky, you're making perfect sense let me assure you!

    Even now, a year down the line I still find myself walking round the supermarket or driving up the road with tears in my eyes.

    Like you I was never able to get the tears out when I felt I needed to, they come at the most ianppropriate times. That's the bereavement process I'm afraid, there's no rhyme or reason to it.

    Unfortunately, people don't know what to say or how to react to others who are bereaved. I think a lot of the time they are scared of bringing the subject up in case it upsets you. I'm actually the opposite. I talk to people about their loved one when I meet them and I usually find they are quite glad to talk. My family think this is a great trait of mine. I'd rather bring the subject up than feel awkward not mentioning it.

    I remember when I was in hospital after my surgery for breast cancer. The lady in the bed next to had the doctors visit and we could all hear them telling her her cancer had returned in her spine. They then went off to arrange radiotherapy for her. I went behind the curtains and gave her a hug and spoke to her briefly before the docs returned. The other two women in the room were amazed I had the heart to do that, one of them was a nurse too.

    Anyway, I seem to be praising myself up here, that's not my intention, just really saying that I know I'm unlike most people who shy away from talking to people dealing with illness and death.

    That's what's especially good about this site. You can offload your feelings anytime you want without fear of upsetting anyone and get a lot of support and understanding.

    I hope you begin to feel a bit better very soon.

    Wishing you all the very best hun.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Heyy Pinky,

    you literally just wrote, exactly what is going on in my brain right now.

    Sorry this is a short comment, theres alot I want to say, but my brain isnt quite working right now.

    Just wanted to tell you that your not alone, and make perfect sense.. or at least to me :)

    love and thoughts


  • FormerMember

    You're making perfect sense to me Pinky, you're feeling what a lot of us on here are feeling. I get endlessly annoyed with nonsense at work, I can't understand how people can possibly think a crappy bit of paper is important when my dad has terminal cancer. It feels like somehow everyone should know and it should be the centre of their world because it's what mine is all about right now. It gets on top of you at the oddest times, a song comes on the radio or a flower comes up in the garden and off you go, tears. Just really wanted you to know you're not alone, a lot of us are feeling like you do. I hope you feel better soon and things get easier for you.

    All the best
