I'm having an Eeyore day.

  • Down, up, down, up, up, up, that's the way.


    Dec 2009 – July 2012

    A big Hi to everyone out there old and new with very best wishes sent out to you all.

    I had a quick recap of my blogging on here and was first amazed to see my first blog was December 2009, where I was feeling my way round the site and asking for advice about my upcoming surgery. I found support and friendship when times were very unsure indeed.

    I would never have believed that when…

  • Giz a job!


    Hiya you lot just wanted to update you on the job front.

    GP appointment went really well and he was very supportive giving me ideas and making me see I was just lacking a bit of confidence.  I seem to think I have no skills after such a long time out of work but i'm willing to give anything a go honest guv!!!!

    He suggested I go home and pick up the phone to DWP to start the ball rolling.  SOOOOO that's exactly what…

  • Changes are acoming!!


    Changes are a coming!

    Where do I start? 

    Those of you who maybe don’t know me, I’ve been trolling around this site for a few years after a diagnosis of rectal cancer.  I had chemo/RT, surgery which resulted in a permanent stoma and more chemo.  I’m now two years post op. and crossing everything that things will continue in the good
    direction that it is at present.

    Most of you also know that I am a…

  • Any hugs gratefully recieved thanks x


    I'm pretty much in a good place in my head regarding my cancer and where I am up to on that so called journey. Then my Onc. appointment appears on the calendar for February and the little doubts and niggles start in my head grrrrrr.

    When I was diagnosed I asked straight for a statistic for survival, 60%. I'd rather it been a bit more but at least it was the upper side of 50 eh, so not complaining.

    Mr tumour…

  • What a priviledge.


    A quick blog to update the past week and let you all know that my Dad died on Sunday 1.40am.  But i'm not going to be morbid or upsetting.  I don't think it's fair to express with too much detail the process of palliative care and my personal experiences; some of you on here may be going through as patient or carer the same experience and don't want the reminder thanks very much!  And if you do, P.M. me to…