What a priviledge.

1 minute read time.

A quick blog to update the past week and let you all know that my Dad died on Sunday 1.40am.  But i'm not going to be morbid or upsetting.  I don't think it's fair to express with too much detail the process of palliative care and my personal experiences; some of you on here may be going through as patient or carer the same experience and don't want the reminder thanks very much!  And if you do, P.M. me to share.

All I want to say, is though the past few weeks have been tiring both physical and mental, it has also been a privilege and very special.  I wouldn't change it at all.  

Hoping my normal loony self will be resumed shortly.  On the loony front, I will share one of last weeks moments, in which my daughter and I played out scenes from the nurse in Catherine Tates sketch show.  Quotes such as "sorry sister", "I just give 'em a little wiff and if they're not too smelly, I leave 'em for another couple of days".  (Hope this doesn't offend, but if it does oops.  It didn't offend Dad and he was the one in the bed hehe).

Hope everyones doing OK here, catch up soon.

Take care

Jan x


