What a bothersome weekend

4 minute read time.

Seem to only blog when things are a bit glum, sorry. 

Well I did intend to have a few wines on Friday night (i didn't manage the whole bottle stinker) hehe.  Relaxation therapy as Tim put it.  But I was so tired I fell asleep after one glass and missed our usual Friday evening telly entertainement and was quite antisocial to poor hubby.  A shame really 'cos he had been so thoughtful the day before.  He came in from work with a lovely bouquet of flowers, which isn't usual.  So I asked what they were for and what had he done.  If i'm being sexist is that a typical woman thing to say hehe or is it just me??  He had actually remembered the date we were in clinic and got the "it's cancer, sorry" statement two years on.  He thought I might be feeling glum and infact I hadn't even remembered :)  AAwwww how nice is that, he's my best mate.

Sorry warped, if any of you read the above I know it's repeated from there but wanted to share it here too.  Oh and Hils, I loved the phrase my cancerversary, brilliant i'll remember that.  Oh and LM pointed out, is cancerversary on diagnosis, start of treatment or end of treatment.  Yes LM I think it should be all three and celebrate every one of them.  Oh by the way, I got my appointment today for my next CT scan in a few weeks.  It's a weird feeling when one comes around, 'cos you think it's not on your mind and then the uncertainty and little niggles start. Hi ho, onwards and upwards.

Right then that's Thursday and Friday done.  Saturday morning mum phoned in a panic.  Dad was found on the floor whilst walking his dog and a kind lady rang an ambulance and returned the dog home.  I rushed out and met the ambulance before it left forl hossie.  He had fell flat on lhis face and his glasses had skinned the bridge of his nose and the nosepiece was embedded in his skin.  What a mess!  Three hours later in A & E he was assessed S.H.O. and referred on to another hossie for the next day as they feared the tear duct was involved. 

Poor dad was in shock and at the min he is struggling with an infection due to his ca prostate.  I'm amazed he hadn't broken any bones 'cos he's got bone mets aswell.  He's 78 but so independant and still thinks he's 28, which is a good outlook to have but it can come and bite you on the bum as they say.  He's ok now and i've just got to dress his wound every few days and report back to hossie in a week.

Thought Sunday would be peaceful and then a phone call in the afternoon spoilt that idea.  My sons car had broken down.  He's lives with us and goes to Uni and his little old banger is hanging on in there, hopefully to see him to the end of Uni in a few years.  Car rescue came out, topped up the coolant which had been lost and told him to drive to a garage.  We had to go out to him to help with taking partner and my grandson home and following him to see he was ok.

Taxi mum time again!!  Took him to work in the evening and then to Uni this morning.  Right we are up to Monday now eh.  Going to pick him up this afternoon and hope the garage has sorted the problem out with not too much expense ouch!!!

Sorry for the bothersome weekend account after what was meant to be a relaxation therapy hehe.

Ending on a lighter note.  My family is growing with daughter and son having partners and families.  My house is always buzzing with someone coming and going and I  honestlycould do with a bigger house but that's out of the question.  Anyway, we have been planning Christmas day, yep I know it's only November but these things need organising then we know who is going where.  Guess where the where is? MINE.  I've got 16 to dinner and although it's quite exciting it's the biggest number i've cooked for eeeek!  Gonna have to go out and buy another banquet table and chairs to seat everyone 'cos I only have enough to accomodate 12 at the min hehe. 

Any advice for the days plans would be apreciated.  Oh and my niece is vegarerian, so if you have any lovely Christmas day recipes, may I have them, thanks.  Duncs advice was to follow the royal family christmas theme (not the royal royal family, the telly royal family). 

Cuppa soup in middle of tables with a ladle to help yourself

A mountain of smash with sausages stuck in on a platter with ladle to help yourself

Huge bowl of angel delight with a ladle to help yourself.

All served onto disposible plates and plastic cutlery.

JOB DONE Have drink cheers.

Take care all


Jan xx


  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan,

    Hope that you have a better week after the evenful weekend - and your poor Dad, too. Errrrr yes, I do think that maybe you will have to get the Christmas organising done before too long - think I mentioned that my turkey is already ordered ? Plus, I finished writing all my cards out yesterday ........ and checked out the festive lights / candle bridges ! Well, my excuse is that I need to be sorted as the honour of cooking the Festive Dinner is mine as per usual and we now have another sweet little person to look after as well.

    Other advice ? Make a list and tick it off as you go - and don't panic, think of Odin and all the mouths he will have to feed !

    Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh, your poor Dad! It's not just the pain and the injury, it's the shock and humiliation too. I hope he's recovering well.

    I'm sure there is some point at which you are no longer obliged to be the Mum-taxi ... I don't know when it happens, though!

    I really need to start thinking about Christmas - rephrase that, I'm thinking about it and worrying about it, just not getting anything done about it. We only have ourselves to feed, which is probably a good thing - although, having said that, I rather envy you the big family. Not the cooking for 16, though - I freak out if we even have friends round to dinner, and quite often I offer to buy them take-out rather than cook, on the grounds it'll be nicer.

    I was a proper knit-your-own-lentils sort of vegetarian for years, and I used to be quite happy at Christmas with the roast vegetables - as long as they were roasted in vegetable oil (you might need to allow for an extra roasting dish!) - and some greens with cranberry sauce. It doesn't sound very exciting, but it's actually pretty nice. Otherwise you have to get a soya roast or something, and I find those things so dispiriting. These days I eat fish - I started suffering badly from fatigue, this was years pre-Crab so I can't blame him, and thought the extra protein might help; it didn't, but it was too much effort to go back - and last year I had a tuna steak, which was yummy.

    But failing that, the Royle Family's method sounds pretty good to me.

    I hope your week is less stressful than the weekend!

    - Hilary


  • FormerMember


    What an exciring life you lead! I'm not sure when taxi-ing ends, my son is 46 and when he and his wife come to visit I often have to run them to places or pick them up. Have a rest this week and put your feet up, tell son that he owes you a lift.

    My son's vegetarian and the last time he came for Christmas dinner I did a butternut squash thingy which he thought was good. But cooking for 16?????????? I hope you've got one of those range thingies or you'll have to serve dinner in separate sittings. That could have the advantage that first sitting could start the washing up and serve those in the second sitting. The largest number we used to cook for was 12. Now I'm looking for invitations - you wouldn't notice an extra one would you? I could bring my own soup bowl if you opt for the Royle Christmas.

    Poor Dad falling down like that, how embarrasing! It's difficult to convince daughters that you are still 28 when something like that happens. I should know as I'm 24, but don't tell my daughter. Hope it's just cuts and bruises and nothing more serious.

    Best wishes,

    Odin xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the concern re my dad and yes it was such an embarrassment.  He tried to make light of it and laugh it off but the dignity was dinted.

    Once a parent always a parent so the taxiing never ends does it? But at least I get return requests granted.

    Joycee, You've reminded me about the turkey ordering.  We go to a lovely local free range farm nearby that also gets in outdoor reared ham aswell.  I was thinking of getting one of those 3 or 5 bird roasts.  Has anyone tried one and what was it like.  How exciting for you this year, Freya's 1st Christmas yippeeeee.

    Hilary, Maybe the take out for 16 option would be a good idea.  Do you think they deliver on Christmas day?  Do you know, if it wasn't for mum and dad who like it so traditional I really would go for that idea, it's much easier.  Done it many times when we've had friends round.  'Fraid the fish idea is out.  She used to eat it but has recently become more strict i'm afraid, and she doesn't like nuts so is quite limited.

    Odin, I really do lwish Il had one of those big range thingys but i'm afraid i'm going to be cooking on a 4 ring standard oven OH NO WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. Don't think they'll fall for the sittings idea, i'll have to ponder on that one.  Never cooked butternut squash, think i'll try a few recipes and have some practice runs.  And ofcourse I could squeeze an extra space along the banquet table but how many bowls will you need with all the little mouths to feed?

    Take care all

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh what bad luck Jan!

    I mean about your Dad mostly of course, but wow so much didn't go to plan for you, what a shame. Happy to hear your Dad was not badly hurt, you must have been very worried at the time.

    Xmas dinner for 16 people, well I would just be in blind panic mode really, my suggestion (silly) would be to book the nearest pub doing Xmas dinners, then you have no cooking and even better no washing up! M&S are actually doing some pre cooked Xmas stuff, I saw a little brochure the other day from them, could be a big help. Sorry can't help with the veggie stuff Jan, never had a veggie in the family. I'm learning lots from Hilary though!

    I remember ringing my parents up at some very awkward moments to get lifts home, usually when I'd been out on the town and didn't have enough money to get home. I was well looked after!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx