
1 minute read time.

Good Day!

I rang the breast care nurse today because I was unsure about when to go in with a seroma. She said when it was uncomfortable. I said it's not, but then it may be my perception of how things are going anyway. She said to come up to have a look (I was in town anyway) so I went and she drained 300mls - there is more, but she couldn't find the right pocket and as I am not uncomfortable we left it.

So here come the really good news:

She cheated and looked up my sentinel node biopsy results (I am sure she's not supposed to do that - my appointment with the surgeon is only next Monday) and the lymph was clear! Hurrah!!!

Unfortunately, all the hormones, including the herceptin, were positive, so I'll have to have that after chemo and rads, too, but at least I won't need to give up all my lymph nodes. So I am very happy.

The other good thing of today was: I asked several tutors at uni what to do about occupational health because I want to do the placement before chemo starts. I asked if I couldn't ask the GP for clearance and they said they didn't see why not. So I've arranged for placement to start next week and will see the GP before I go there and all will be good.

I am a very happy bunny! :-)
