
1 minute read time.

Threw my rattle out of my pram on Tuesday when I had a phonecall to say my neutrophils weren't high enough to have chemo on Wednesday. That was supposed to be my halfway mark AND now I won't be finished with chemo by Christmas. I really really hate not being in control!!!

Have lovely friends though - one of them came round with a book called 'super dooper soups' which has recipes for all sorts of predicaments, e.g. tiredness, spotty skin, etc. etc. She also brought two litres of 'immunity booster soup' (it's very tasty) and said I have to pick some more nice immunity recipes and she'll make the soup for me. So I am not complaining at all anymore. Have also had kiwi fruit and lots of orange juice, so the next blood test should be fine.

On another level: I would like to know why only most of the hair on my head is gone (at least if it was all gone it would look sort of interesting) and why do I still have to pluck my eyebrows? And why did I get a period when I was told in no uncertain terms that would stop? - I am looking at this as evidence that I have really overactive hormones and this is behind the whole stupid cancer thing. Will discuss this with oncologist next week.

Upwards and onwards!

  • FormerMember
    Hi Congeniial, I know how you feel i ended up in hospital on my 3rd dose of chemo thus setting my next one back by week however i now have a injection to boost my white cells the day after every chemo session now I'm crossing my fingers as i haven't been admitted again since, I'm now on my 6th dose of chemo I have two more to go taking me to the end of november....All my hair fell after after the first dose although It does look like my hair on my hair is starting to grow back slowly, may I add my eyebrow & lashes seem to be leaving me now I'm gutted I truly hate the way all this makes me look & feel :( ..... I then have to sleep myself & remind myself this is all for my own good in the long run :) ......
  • FormerMember

    Thanks Michelle, I know about those injections, but I really don't want them (they come with a whole new lot of side effects!). I have 6 lots of chemo altoghether, this is no3 that I'll hopefully have on Wednesday! Have been eating tons of fruit and veg, so if that doesn't help I don't know what will!

    I am not so bothered about the hair thing, it's just a bit weird. Maybe I should open the door to trick or treaters with nothing on my head.... :-P x