I need to get it out

  • My mum has changed


    My happy go lucky mum has 3 months to live. I see her almost everyday and to be honest its hard work. The happy go lucky lady has now become a very angry and very demanding lady. I will always be there for her but I find it so draining. She wants me with her 24/7. I am her only son.

  • bad taste


    Hi All 

    had my first chemo last week felt fine but last few days really yucky taste is this common  after first treatment & any tips please x

  • One more to go !!!


    After that altercation with the nurse at the beginning of December, hubby realised that his not dealing with it all very well was causing me so much anxiety so he got himself together and dealt with it better which made it so much easier for us both. He said he put up a wall in his mind at the end of rt and was not thinking any further than that. That made it so much easier to deal with but now that finishes tomorrow…

  • 2 more to go


    Just Monday and Tuesday to go now, then the fortnight for it to carry on getting worse then it starts to get better. He is holding up so well. I actually think that the evening that spitefull nurse had a go at me sparked him into protect mode and helped him cope better.

  • 17/30 Now his eyes are stinging, and nose bleeding. What next?


    What is next indeed. Eyes stinging, nose bleeding and we are told it will get worse and then the oncologist breaks into his fixed smile.!!!!!

    I bought the eye drops the oncologist suggested but of course they make no difference. I don't think he knows as it is so rare a place to rt. I wonder if he has ever done it before.

    Back and forwards to the Drs and chemist and back again to get prescriptions filled and even…