Got a call today........

1 minute read time.

It was my last day at work before xmas. Things were chugging a long nicely when I got the is very poorly dr has advised family are contacted.

My blood ran cold, then I went on to auto pilot, sorting things out getting cover at work, sorting out childcare. I was panicking that i wouldn't get to him on time. Bless him he's not giving in. He's been asleep all day but just after 10 tonight he started to come round. I fed him some soup and gave him some water. I haven't been his carer, so it was hard at first but we soon got into the swing of it and I even managed to get a couple of smiles out of him! He barely opened his eyes but he was talking. I don't know if it was just the meds he had this morning that knocked him out or if this is just one of those little peaks, but I'm glad we're getting this time.

It was so hard to see him like that when I first arrived (he is at home now, which is what he wanted). I did break down but I pulled myself together and even managed to keep my promise to my daughter and took her out for tea. I felt guilty - like I shouldn't have been there, but I'd promised her, we were both hungry and dad was sleeping anyway  - guess no matter how much I try to rationalise it I can't help how I feel.

Everything else is kind of being put on hold for a while, but with xmas just a week away I need to do things. I can't cancel christmas, my daughter is only 2 and a half, she doesn't understand and is so excited this year. I think that will help me get through this difficult time. I am just worried now about how I will feel when the hype is all over, never have been good with post xmas blues!!!

Anyway, thats where we are at at the moment. i have come home to sleep and the marie curie night nurse is with dad til the morning, so at least I know some one is keeping an eye on him. Will be back there tomorrow morning to see how he's doing...............

  • FormerMember

    You are doing everything right so dont beat yourself up. it is so difficult coping with the different needs of your daughter and your dad to say nothing of yourself.  this is such a difficult time and my thoughts are with you. The one thing i would say is tell your dad how much he means to you and thank him for being your dad as it will mean so much in the future. love and hugs leisha xxx (((((((((((((((((((((h)))))))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Treasure every moment Vikki,

    Hoping your Dad is still comfortable. xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vikki,

    I think Leisha says it all.  My thoughts are with you and your family. I  send you my strength and support. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vikki

    Keep strong, I know its not easy. Try to spend as much of this precious time that you can with your dad. You are right, children need us to keep going for them and your dad would want you to make your daughters christmas as special as it can be. It wont be easy for you, ((hugs)) but we are here when you need usxx

    Thinking of you, hope your dad remains painfree and comfortable, Sharonxx