Feeling very emotional today!

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I have had such a lovely day with my little girl today. We spent the morning in the garden at our friends house with the paddling pool out. My daughter had an Easter party this afternoon to which my MIL and I took her. Then coz Mummy in law was with us she treated us to ice cream - yum yum

BUT..............I just don't know. I feel flat?! I feel like I am about to cry but don't know why. I just want to curl up in a ball! I don't know if it is because of dad and my grief or if I'm just a bit low today but now I'm feeling like this I am missing dad. I know if he was still here he'd be out enjoying the sunshine on his trike. Calling in on his way home to see us. Oh how I'd love to hear his special knock on my front door!!! :-(

  • FormerMember

    sending you ((hugs)). I have experienced days very much the same, knowing taht you should be trying to enjoy the day, yet feeling unable to shake the feeling of loss. It is still early days, and its okay to feel like this.Your Dad is with you in your heart and in all the happy memories of those other sunny days, its natural to feel sadness that he cannot physically be with you on these days now. But, it does ease over time, I felt exactly as you do and now 7 months have past and the sun is starting to peep through again (I have updated though blogs over the last 7 months) and although I miss Mum every day, the good memories make me smile again now and I hope that this is the same for you. xx Thinking of you, love sharonxx