3 months on....

Less than one minute read time.

Things have just seemed so sureal for the past 3 months. I haven't really felt anything! I put it down to having grieved for dad while he was ill, but today - bang on 3 months I just can't stop going over the day he died. I keep crying and wishing it had just been a bad dream. I want my dad back......................

  • FormerMember


    LIZ xx

  • FormerMember

    Aw Vikki, I know how you feel. I couldn't believe I was taking my dad's death so well and spoke to my GP about it, who said that I was suffering from delayed bereavement. It did hit me eventually, like it has done you.

    I really feel for you. Will be thinking of you.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vikki,

    My thoughts and Caring are with you tonight. Its

    a Long road you have to travel,but your Dads Looking after you. Look after yourself. May your Dad R.I.P.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicky

    Mine hit me on my birthday about 10 months after my dad died. I woke up in the morning and the first thing I "heard" was my dad's voice wishing me a happy birthday. I know it was my imagination but it triggered a massive crying fit and somehow I felt better afterwards. I like to think my dad decided to help me xxxx

    Us girls love our dads so much xxxx

    Lots of love Allison

  • FormerMember

    ((HUGS)) Vicki xx

    Grief is a very unpredictable road, sometimes it is straight ahead and at other times it takes big dips downwards. You are perfectly normal in feeling this way, and there will be ba days and better days for a long time to come. Your dad is with you in your heart and your wonderful memories (small comfort I know) but these will be with you forever, and once the rawness goes , you will be able to smile tentatively when you recall those memories. Mum has been gone 6 months tomorrow (sometimes seems like 6 days, others it seems like an eternity). I still play over mums last days in my head,and not sure if that will ever change, but I do have days now when the sadness is less than the hapiness and I count those days as steps towards healing.

    Thinking of you, its not an easy road that we travel on but it is easier when shared with friends. With love,Sharonxx