I don't have time for this!

  • I feel a party coming on - 9th August 2012

    Nobody can rain on my parade today - and I can't wipe the silly grin off my face either. It was follow-up day, getting the results of all the bits of me they cut off 10 days ago, and it all seems like very good news indeed. 
    The lymph nodes on the left hand side - all three of them they scooped out to peer at down the microscope - are completely clear of cancer! I wanted to sing and dance with…
  • Thank You - 5th August 2012

    Four days at home have so far been blissful, especially since yesterday when I went back to the hospital and had the horrid drain removed. I grew to hate the drain – it went into my side at the bottom of my ribcage, all the way up to my collarbone, and it was a little spooky when I moved suddenly and so did it – often in the opposite direction completely. I had some funny moments with it, like the time…
  • My Needle-Phobic Past - 2nd August 2012

    When someone comes near me with a needle, I just cannot cope emotionally. My normal intelligent, rational, logical, sensible self evaporates into a fog of uncontrollable sobbing, and I feel myself being dragged back to the distant and not so distant past, vividly reliving awful previous experiences.
    As far as needles, etc, are concerned, I have plenty of awful previous experiences to choose from, and…
  • One Boob Down - 2nd August 2012


    I’m home again after 4 of the very worst days of my life. Up until now I’ve been able to hold things all together and stay firmly positive and upbeat, but over the past for days in hospital I completely fell apart emotionally. My friends and family are all cheering me from the rafters, convinced I’m brave and courageous. Well the past few days has proved I am a total fraud in the bravery stakes. I was a blubbing…

  • Sod the Cancer-Curing Diet Today - 28th July 2012


    My boob outing to the Olympics may be off the agenda now - my infection has got stacks worse despite being on mega-strength antibiotics for five days, and I've just spoken to the hospital. The doctor there has told me to get up there as quickly as possible, with an overnight bag packed, and I may be kept in overnight on intravenous antibiotics. More needles, less tennis, to be honest I've had better weekends…