I don't have time for this!

  • Laughing the Cancer Away - 23rd July 2012


    Today is the very last Monday I will ever have boobs - exactly a week today they will be chopped off. Tomorrow I'm seeing the surgeon, a new one, because they need to allocate the operating theatre times so that he as well as the Portacath surgeon can both do what they have to do to me at the same time. I've written out a list of questions, and the main two focus on whether or not my left boob stays or goes, and…

  • The Vein Lady - 17th July 2012


    It's been over a week since I last wrote, and I blame that entirely on the fact that I'm now feeling so much better over the past few days that I've been well enough to do all sorts of other things instead. My arm is still annoyingly hopeless, simple things like buttering bread results in the whole kitchen being buttered too. Everything takes longer, but it's still a whole load better, and a whole lot less painful…

  • Planning Permission Denied - 9th July 2012


    You get to see an awful lot of hospital departments once they decide you have cancer, and it seems that barely a day goes by without an appointment of some sort, or a phonecall, or a letter arrives. In my case, from the outset, every single time I've had any sort of dialogue whatsoever with the cancer specialists, there has been at least a little bit more of the bad news. The size and shape and colour and rate of…

  • Here We Go - 4th July 2012

    Back from the hospital, and I now know some, but not all, of the bare facts about my cancer, and it's quite a lot to take on board. I haven't even begun to try and get my head around any of it yet, so I really don't know how I'll feel about it when I've taken everything on board properly, but right now I'm a little shocked, but mostly upbeat and cheerful. Even my Consultant said I was the most positive patient…
  • I'll do it My Way - 3rd July 2012


    Tomorrow is a very big day - I'm back at the hospital to find out exactly how big a threat this cancer is. When they operated, they took out three lymph nodes to test to see if it had spread, and it had, so they then removed all the right armpit lymph nodes to test the rest. Having read everything I can find to read about it, I now know that there is a direct correlation between how many lymph nodes are affected…