OMFG it has really been too long!!!!

1 minute read time.

To all that haven't been with me, be it from the first blog till now......

WTFG jesus christ where the hell are you??? never wanted to get religious but where the f**k... how dare you promise all and give nothing but heartache!!!!

She has been so strong to the point she confounds all the drs. Are you there? No are you hell,  can honestly say you don't change a thing!!!

Aw shit f**k it your not here and to my way of thinking you never were! My mum is lying in a hospital mumbling sh** with no comfort for anyone, holding her hand and telling her  I am there and she can relax, is all she has had!!!

So go on, I dare anyone to tell me it is Gods grand plan!!!!  In case I didn't make it obvious. Do one!!! My mum at this minute lies in a bed mumbling sh**e. How the hell is that fair!!!

Wish to all I could be positive though gotta say right now there are a few adolescents that will learn this, it will bite them. MY Teeth are sharp!!! So leave my kids alone!!!   How the f**k dare  they???

Oops guess I had better leave it here :(


Anyway I hope and pray they nevr hqve to show their heart like I HAVE HAD TOO;;;;;;;;111

  • FormerMember

    yeh glad im not the only one who stuggles every day with being positive cancer is shit its hard work feeling every thing is ok my mum hass terminal lung cancer diagnosed in aug not being offererd any treatment our next appt is dec wow mums r the way forwaard its hard watching them slowly dying any waay so glad you had a rant im not the only one who isn't serene

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen

    I'm so sorry things are so hard right now. Having lost both parents to cancer, I know the pain you must be feeling, and venting is definitely better than bottling it up!

    I'm with you on the religious front, though never having been that enthusiastic, I don't feel so strongly 'anti' it either. I think if faith works for some people, then that's good, but it clearly isn't working for you and you need some support.

    I wish I could give you a massive hug right now and tell you it's going to be ok, because whatever happens, it will be. Your poor Mum is struggling, and you are there for her, and that's what she can rely on, and it's what you can take pride in. When the going get's tough. the tough dig deep. You are showing such amazing strength right now, and while you may feel like you're falling apart, you are doing exactly what your Mum needs.

    I'm wishing you every ounce of strength and support you need to get through this terrible time. Please remember you're not alone, we're all thinking of you.

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Dear est Helen,

    Been there with my mum too... and don't really know what to say cos nothing makes it better except that you rant and shout and scream and do whatever helps that pain you are feeling and we are always here to love and listen... (and hopefully occasionally make  you smile a little with talk of big pants and that... :o)

    Sending you the biggest squeeziest hug

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    What can I say? yet again the support is great haven't had a minute in the last week to woe is me. Not that it would help to do so....

    I am not personally religious sorry if I offended anyone just having enough of things being rammed down my throat and watching my children being ridiculed for having feelings that are too hard to subdue, it was too much for me to handle let alone them :/  It's so bloody hard to be cheerful all the time when facing all this. Having said that I'll be damned if I let this B****d beat me or mine, daughter had a hard time at school from some kids mocking her for breaking with the stress of it. 

    Tracy, Ann and Little My I wont let it beat me promise, even in the darkest of it's grip I usually can find somrthing to laugh at just had to let it fly on here, you can't hit minors no matter how nasty they are!!!.

    I will return to my normal sarcastic twisted self in a couple of hours as society tends to frown on people hitting out especially if it is against 'children', so I will regroup and then gleefully stick two fingers up at the big 'C'.

    Till next time all my love and more to you all Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Helen, as a teacher, parent and having been through it myself at school as a teenager... please please speak to the school.

    They are really good these days and can support your daughter. Macmillan can send a nurse in to the class to talk to the kids about cancer and all that stuff about feelings etc in a good way and the kids just don't understand and don't know how to react and if your daughter is anything like me, she probably doesn't know what to say... I remember going in to school and my classmates asking me if I had a fun half term and me having to say well, it was cool for the first part, but then my dad died and the silence was so bad, I didn't say anything after that and my friends didn't know what to say and then I had to do it all again with my mum getting cancer. a year later. I didn't really cope, but did of course in the end cos we do, but things are better now and schools can help and talk to kids to please go and see them and talk to the teachers.

    Keep letting fly and none of us are cheerful and positive all the time (even me!)

    Big hug to you and hang on in there and we will always help you not let it get to you cos this is a fight we stand together on.

    Little My x