OMFG it has really been too long!!!!

1 minute read time.

To all that haven't been with me, be it from the first blog till now......

WTFG jesus christ where the hell are you??? never wanted to get religious but where the f**k... how dare you promise all and give nothing but heartache!!!!

She has been so strong to the point she confounds all the drs. Are you there? No are you hell,  can honestly say you don't change a thing!!!

Aw shit f**k it your not here and to my way of thinking you never were! My mum is lying in a hospital mumbling sh** with no comfort for anyone, holding her hand and telling her  I am there and she can relax, is all she has had!!!

So go on, I dare anyone to tell me it is Gods grand plan!!!!  In case I didn't make it obvious. Do one!!! My mum at this minute lies in a bed mumbling sh**e. How the hell is that fair!!!

Wish to all I could be positive though gotta say right now there are a few adolescents that will learn this, it will bite them. MY Teeth are sharp!!! So leave my kids alone!!!   How the f**k dare  they???

Oops guess I had better leave it here :(


Anyway I hope and pray they nevr hqve to show their heart like I HAVE HAD TOO;;;;;;;;111

  • FormerMember

    Hello Helen

    I am going through the same as you at the moment watching mum slowly die away with nothing that can be is so very hard and i have the deepest sadness inside of me, take strength in knowing that you are not alone in this. You have a great deal of support from those on here. Anne and Little My are great company to have next to you... they have been (as have so many on here) through so much themselves and still manage to make us all smile and have a good giggle. Sending big hugs and lots of healing energy to help you through this dark time. Peanutxx 




  • FormerMember

    Thats a very good idea Little My.Im sure it will help your children Helen.I do hope so xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Whatever gave you the idea that Life's fair? Of course it isn't.  We come into this life and have to cope with what life throws at us.  Cancer is our reward for not dying 2o years ago of TB. 

    My husband died a year ago from cancer.  I won't go into details but he was in a lot of pain then said he wasn't going to be treated for his primary when his secondary wasn't going to get any better so he had palliative care, for a week then he died.  Sometimes you have to accept it.  While he was in hospital, he gave up smoking, had as much beer as he wanted (not a lot) and his team won every match.  He died happy and I'm so glad for him.  He was lovely in his last week.  He had a lovely smile because the pain was gone.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen

    I know the anger thing too well at the moment and I have been screaming at this God that I have never truly believed in.  (Always believed in Jesus but as for the son of god thing - never quite got my head around that).

    It's not fair, and it's not right, and everyone here knows that but I am sure you will find the strength to help your Mam through it.  My brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the beginning of August - extensive secondary liver cancer and primary in his pancreas.  If he was in his 70s (which he should be because it is old man's cancer) they would not be offering any treatment but he is currently going through a course of aggressive chemo in the hope that it might give him a bit more time than the 3-4 months they guessed at.

    It is hard to be cheerful but what else can we do?  I look at him losing weight, losing his hair, the black circles around his eyes and when I see him fatigued I want to scream but don't!  Well OK - I scream when I'm back at my little flat.  Haven't a clue what the neighbours think and quite frankly don't care that much!

    Hope you get the school sorted and they do something to help your daughter.

    Stay strong.

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxx