Am I wrong to try this????

2 minute read time.

Hi all of you,

Well today has been a rollercoaster of emotions.

The nurses are now in agreement that mum is better of here at home...Why? well Gladys (the nurse) told me today that the speed of mums decline has been so quick that they don't think there is any hope for her now and have asked me to prepare myself, my dad and all the family for what is not too far away. Apparently they think because of her refusal to eat, even with what little I can get down her in intervals it will be her heart that will give out sooner rather than later.

I am determined not to let this be the end without me trying everything even if that means tricking her into the dreaded protien desserts, I know they probably wont change much but since she is now not eating blitzed meals full of meat and veg I have to at least give these a go I will of course transfer the contents into a different pot because as weak as she is she will blow a gasket if she knew what I was going to do.

My aunt arrives on Saturday not sure for how long but even a day is something to look forward to.

My feckless s**t of a brother is still finding excuse after excuse for not coming over, his girlfriend had surgery for abdominal adhesions the other week and he feels that her state of health is far more important to be there for ''after all even though she is not dying she still needs him there''. My response 'fine, whatever, if your not coming over don't feel you have to find excuses to justify your decision' . He has this incredible knack of convincing himself that it is us who are being difficult and unreasonable, he even told me he could gleefully slap my aunt for telling him he is being selfish and not just towards mum but myself as well as I could use the support too.  This ended up with me sobbing on the phone to him telling him if he doesn't want to come over then don't. What he doesn't get is I didn't say that because 'I'm tired and emotional' as he says, I said it because for his own safety I want him as far away from me as possible because right now I could gleefully rip him to shreds for his lack of compassion for a mother who always supported him.  And disrespect for an aunt that gave up two weeks of her life at the beginning of the year to nurse him round the clock for 2 weeks.

So yet again not a very entertaining blog I'm afraid but feel a little better for purging it all.


Thanks for listening hugs and best wishes to all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi In need of answers,

    My thoughts are with you and your Mum and Family tonight. I hope when the time comes that your

    Mum passes that it will be painless and painfree..  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Sarsfield, though I selfishly keep hoping for extra time.

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry you have reached this dreadful stage so soon. It all seems to have happened really quickly without any let-up for any of you. Your brother sounds like he still has a lot of growing up to do, whatever his age. Sadly, when he does, he'll realise he's deserted a loving Mum when she needs him most. Something that will take him a long time to come to terms with.

    In the meantime, I'm glad your aunt is coming to support you. Her exchange with your brother shows she is very aware of the stress you are under and her support, even for a short time, is a good thing for you.

    I know you're not ready to face your Mum's decline in health right now and as long as you can get her to eat and drink anything, without it becoming traumatic, that's fine. However, it sounds like your Mum is already feeling to weak to fight, and the important thing is to keep her comfortable, and to look after yourself too!

    You're in my thoughts and I just wish I could say or do something to bring you some comfort, but all I can say is I'm here for you, if you want to PM me, just to get things off your chest.

    Please remember to look after yourself too, and let us know how you're doing.

    Sending you a massive hug and lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi.Youre doing so well looking after your Mother.So sorry your Brother is being so selfish.I hope youre looking after yourself too.Sending a BIG HUG!! xx

  • FormerMember

    HUGS Helen, i can't believe how fast things are going it's frightening.

    I think you're right to try absolutely everything, if you can get her to eat at least you know you tried your best, you are a star and the best daughter in the world xx

    Re: your brother, you know I think there's plenty of similar stories out there.  He just can't handle it but it's tough because it's happening and your mum needs him, you need him.  You're right it's just an excuse about this girlfriend, she'll be ok!  I would be very angry too.

    Just take comfort in you are doing the best thing, you are strong and you are wonderful xxx