Distressing symptoms for Bob!

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We went to hospital yesterday and results were that treatment is not working and cancer is on the move, particularly in the lungs!  It also showed that Bob has infection in both lungs which he has started antibiotics for.

The most distressing thing for him at the moment is the constent episodes of coughing, agrivated by eating, even sometimes speaking.

Just wondered if anyone has any ideas to help settle these episodes.

We have tried steam inhalation, cough linctus, even oromorph, any other ideas, thoughts would be gratefully received.


Linda x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Linda,

    Sorry to hear that Bobs Treatment is not working

    but keep on trying. As for his side effects, I think you may find its the infection thats causing it.

    Dont forget if you want to talk or ask questions there

    is alway somone here on the site. You are never alone if you need us. All the best to Bob. You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Linda,

    I was also so very sorry to hear of your dear Bob's results, I know he will keep on fighting, he such a brave man, and inspiration to so many.

    I have googled  'help in relieving cough symptoms' there is a lot of information there, some natural remedies too, if you are able to take the time to look.

    I would have copied and pasted here but there is so much information, this blog would not take it all love.

    Make sure you take good care of yourself too dear lady.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Much love along with many ((((((((hugs)))))))


  • FormerMember

    Thank you both for your replies, we really both do feel supported by our 'Macmillian friends' and its a huge comfort.

    L x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Linda, so sorry about yours and Bobs news, but as so many on here have proved a stubborn attitude is a good fighter of this awful disease, my dad had a cough that just would not let up and he used to suck jakemans throat and chest sweets and they really helped, worth a try he also used to drink ice cold milk to stop the tickle he used to have. Take care and love to you all xx Ann

  • FormerMember

    Hi Linda, like everyone here am so sorry to learn that Bob's latest news was not what you wanted to hear. Have you tried a humidifier in the bedroom? It used to work for me when I had asthma and bronchitis.

    Good luck
