Carrying on

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How on earth do you carry on without your soul mate, I am finding it really difficult and am really not sure what to do, i know its early days, its four weeks on Wednesday,  but i just can not imagine it will ever feel any better ever again.

  • FormerMember

    hi Linda, it is very early days and words of comfort are lovely to get ,knowing that people are thinking of you ,makes your hurt no easier, but it does get better,I lost my soulmate Gordon 18mnths ago 2morro , and I feel I'm moving on slowly now, felt guilty at 1st for laughing or enjoying a day out ,but I know Gordon has been with me every step of this healing journey, and I'm sure your beloved Bob will be with you on your journey,sometimes i think It's learning to accept the situation rather than better, we don't have a choice, linda you just do things as you feel up to it, Kate as well, I also found having something to look forward to helped ,just coffee or lunch with a friend helped, my thoughts and love are with you and Kate and you will get there to-gether ,please feel free to send message anytime luv and hugs Laurynann x.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all for your replies x x