Horses , Gumboots , Fireworks and The Man With The Silver Hair !!!!!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Well my Yeti went back to school this morning rather reluctantly, mind you I can't blame him as it was dark, windy and cold. I saw him onto his bus and told him to watch out for flying trees and roof tiles (we live in Scotland where the wind has been very bad) he just looked at me as though I were mad, but I did get I love you so he is forgiven.

Our New Years Eve day was pretty uneventful, we are lucky enough to live on a beautiful country estate in a 18th century cottage (we are not posh, we are just the folk that try to stop the place from falling down and paying through the nose for it) anyway we love the old place even though its freezing cold and always looks like it needs decorating, we manage to make it cosy in the winter, but come the summer the whole estate comes to life, with its rivers (there are three don't you know LOL) a farm and the old stable yard. There are about five horses stabled in at night out through the day. Also we have as many private estates do the Big Hoose where the people who own the estate live, lovely people, who love to shoot, have large parties and wear tweed you know the kind.

Anyway back to new years night, there had been a pheasant shoot on through the day and the big hoose was throwing a party at night. Myself and other half had had a lovely super and Yeti was still in his cave only coming out to feed, sat down to some film on tv, both fell asleep but were awoken to fireworks going off from big hoose, ah that's nice I thought, looked out of window but couldn't see much, so off to bed for us but the stables are next to our cottage and you can hear the horses moving about and as the fireworks got louder and our dog started to howl, the horses were becoming more and more restless, so the only thing to do was get the gumboots on top of PJ's and go and check on our four hoofed friends two of which are very old, I kept thinking I was going to walk in to a stiff horse with its legs in the air but although a  little disturbed and a bit spooked we made everything alright with a few loving kisses and lots of carrots. What a way to spend new year, in the S..T !!!!!!!!!

  • Hi Ruby you know what they say muck for luck so you should have a very lucky new year.

    Spending it caring for horses I would say is possibly a lot better than spending it with some people why didn't they invite you up the big hooose you could have dug out your tweeds and polished your pearls instead of the wellies.

    I like the sound of your cottage and the estate must be a lovely place to watch the seasons change even when it's freezing cold what a great place for dog walking too.

    I love Scotland have been going there on holiday for last 8 years but was in hospital this year when I should have been there but hope I can make it this year.

    Hope your roof is still on after all this bad weather mines just about holding on 

    big hugs 

    Scraton xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Do you know what, its my most favourite place in the world and yes watching the seasons is something I love to do and feel very privileged to be able to do so, but obviously not privileged enough to get an invite up to the big Hoooooose !!!!!! Rather spend it with the horses anyway.

    Hope you make your trip this year. The roof is just about hanging on, was thinking of borrowing those XXXL's to put over the top LOL but Colette might need them for the oldies on her ward.

    Big hugs back 


  • FormerMember

    Hello Ruby. Sounds like you live in a marvellous place, it must be idyllic to be in the countryside ...... plus horses ! Oh, when our daughters were young we used to have a horse and pony which we kept at a nearby livery yard - those were the days of getting up very early to see to them, etc ! Many happy memories indeed - saddlery, grooming kits and riding gear ...........

    I digress - wishing you and yours all the best for the New Year, let's hope it bring good things for us all.

    Love, Joycee xx


  • FormerMember

    ooh hello. I missed this somehow...

    I think spending new year in a stable sounds perfect to me. Mind you, I would always prefer anilmals to lots of people I don't know...

     I used to live on a Scottish estate too with the big  hoose and the shootin and that... brought back some fond memories!

    I spend all my days in sh*t so nowt new there :D and I was also reluctantly back at school today hahaa.

    Next time he grumbles, tell him he could have me as his teacher... oh hang on, that might not work... hmmm

    Big  big hug to you
