Horses, Gumboots , Fireworks and The Man With The Silver Hair !!!!!!!!



    My annual check up is coming up this month with my breast surgeon who lets face it  saved my life!!!

    I think he sees me as one of his many personal triumphs as he always calls me his star patient, I think that is because I was never one of those types to question anything, I just did as I was told and got on with it, treatment that is, now its a different story, I want to question everything!! maybe it comes from age…

  • Horses , Gumboots , Fireworks and The Man With The Silver Hair !!!!!!!!!


    Well my Yeti went back to school this morning rather reluctantly, mind you I can't blame him as it was dark, windy and cold. I saw him onto his bus and told him to watch out for flying trees and roof tiles (we live in Scotland where the wind has been very bad) he just looked at me as though I were mad, but I did get I love you so he is forgiven.

    Our New Years Eve day was pretty uneventful, we are lucky enough to…