when does the tiredness go away??

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Six months in to remission and I still don't feel like me. I am so grateful that I am still here but I just want some energy and happiness. I am fine for nearly a week and then I drain completely, physically and soon after emotionally. It's awful. I just wonder how long before its over,sometimes I feel so drained it's like being back on chemo. Last week I felt ill, like something just isn't right. Bloods are fine and scans have been done, all the doctor says is it will take time n prescribed antidepressants but they made me...numb. has anyone experienced this??can you shed some light??please :-(
  • FormerMember


    I finished Chemo last June and I still feel tired, although it is getting better.  I used to need to rest all the time but I now find I have energy for a day or two then I have to rest for a few days before I feel more energised again.

    We are all different and our bodies all react differently, it appears that some people can get back to normal quite quickly and others, like us, take much longer.  Be patient, you will improve.  I had Cancer previously...aged 23, that was 31 years ago and it was over a year before I was back at work.

    Like you say, I too am so grateful to be here after having Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins.  I have been married for 25 years and had three children in between the two diagnoses!  I have survived!

    Your tiredness will go, you will feel your old self again, and you will have a different outlook on life.  I have found that it has made me so appreciative of everything throughout my lifetime because of the challenges I have faced.    

    Friends often remark that I am caring, kind, willing to help those less fortunate and that I don't stress over the small things, that I am brave (I went off and lived in other countries) and adventurous.  I have always gone after my goals and not allowed things to hold me back.  I have a 'can do' attitude.  Its because I don't want to miss out on anything...I have Cancer to thank for that.

    Rest up and eat well, this will be your past very soon.

    You take care


  • FormerMember

    Joy, we haven't met before, but sometimes I read a post that really moves me, and yours did that, so thank you.  I love your spirit!  My sister died of Hodgkins Disease (as it was called in those days) in 1968, at the age of 28 and with three small children. They didn't know much about chemo in those days, and she suffered terribly from mustard gas and other horrible things they did to her.  I am so glad that it is now a curable cancer and that people like you can survive it.  I'm currently going through chemo for metastasized anal cancer and enduring that awful fatigue.  I'm sure we're all different, and that it takes time to get back to normal when the treatment finishes, and that length of time is different for everyone.  I loved what you said about cancer making you appreciate life so much more, and I like that you can thank your cancer for your brilliant attitude.  Way to go!  You made my day.

    Love, dyad