HER2 who knows

  • Tissue expander - complications!

    Hi all, My last post was the 26th June and I had started my saline injections in to my tissue expander.  The plan was to go back two weeks later for the next one. Well that didn't happen. I was experiencing some pain which turned out to be a...
  • Saline injection

    Just as I thought I was getting into this blogging thing... I realised my two recent entries have not posted for whatever reason!So that means you've missed out on the mastectomy story and how I was feeling so low yesterday , spoilers; it got pre...
  • The Who, Where and Why

    The Who: I'm 35 years old. I'm from the North of England. I moved to Japan in 2017 and been here ever since. Where:  In December last year I was diagnosed with HER2 breast cancer in my left breast.  The doctors assumed I'd want ...