Saline injection

1 minute read time.

Just as I thought I was getting into this blogging thing... I realised my two recent entries have not posted for whatever reason!
So that means you've missed out on the mastectomy story and how I was feeling so low yesterday , spoilers; it got pretty bad but I'm ultimately fine now. 

Anyway let me catch you up; June 4th I had a mastectomy and a tissue expander has been inserted. What is a 'tissue expander' I hear no one ask... essentially a balloon that will stretch my skin over time. Sometime in February or March I'll have the tissue expander taken out and either an implant or muscle from my back will replace it. I still have some time to decide if I want an implant or to go the natural way. Opinions welcomed on that...

Today I went back the hospital for the first time since being discharged just over a week ago. I was apprehensive since I have always hated injections and I knew the plan. Straight off the bat the doctor was nice enough to give me an option, get the saline injection today for the first time (one of 4 or 5) or skip it if I'm experiencing pain. Now if the appointment was just a few days ago I would have skipped all the way home! but today I wasn't feeling much pain so I went ahead. Actually a part of me has been a tad excited, I've been curios about how they find the entry point to inject. The doctor used the special magnet that I'd been wondering about. Maybe I'll upload a picture at the later date of this magic contraption. 

Anyway to wrap up, the whole thing was relatively painless and didn't take too long and so in three weeks when I go again I won't panic.  

Today's feeling 6/10.

How do you feel today?
