Tissue expander - complications!

1 minute read time.

Hi all,

My last post was the 26th June and I had started my saline injections in to my tissue expander. 

The plan was to go back two weeks later for the next one. Well that didn't happen.

I was experiencing some pain which turned out to be an infection, I was told if it didn't clear up I'd have to have the tissue expander removed. 

After four weeks of being on antibiotics and one trip to A&E (honestly I've never known pain like that! I hit my peak that night) it's finally cleared up.

I was so relived thinking 'Great, I'll get back on track with the saline injections, Physio and after care' so happy to hear the tissue expander didn't need to be removed.

There was what I can only describe as popping out part which they decided to puncture, I was back and forth a few times as they packed and dressed the wound. A lot of fluid came out.

I noticed a hard bump that wasn't there before and I guessed it was a pocket under the skin where the fluid had been, however the said bump has been confirmed as the tissue expander... apparently it is too close to my skin and may become exposed. It it does come outside the skin it will have to be removed. They put on what I'd describe as a foam plaster and told me to come back in week. I feel no pain but it does feel strange.

Right now, I'm freaking the F out to be honest I have a really bad feeling the tissue expander has become exposed under the plaster...

Update coming next week. Will the tissue expander have to be removed...We will find out. 

Today mood 6/10. How are you feeling today?
