Have I the right to talk about dying

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It isnt easy knowing that you are afraid to live with cancer. First there is the fear of being operated on and dying in hospital with MRSA or c.diff. Then there is the fear of being alone while on chemo and on top of that 30 sessions of radiotherapy which killed my younger brother.Death has to be the sweeter of the options. Trouble is,no one wants to talk about it. I have had cancer for 3 years now,my surgeon who took out the original tumour said I had 2 to 5 years without treatment so my time must be nearly up particularly as I have been bleeding badly now for 8 weeks. I just cant handle the thought of being alone and ill.

  • FormerMember

    Eric please speak to your Macmillan nurse and/or phone the helpline 0800 808 0000.  I am sure they can arrange for someone to come and visit and support you xx


  • FormerMember

    Hello Eric,

    Facing cancer when you have support is tough, but without it I can appreciate your dilemma.

    Jan's suggestion to talk to Macmillan is a good one because you certainly shouldn't be facing this alone.

    I hope you get the help you need and certainly deserve, but there is always help and support on this community.

    Good luck,


  • FormerMember

    Eric you are of an age where I believe you must have done at least National Service - contact the Veterens Association and you will definitely get visitors!  Also contact the local voluntary groups - my husband had a really super man come and visit him on a voluntary basis.  There are also the churches and other cancer groups.  If you speak to your doctor I am sure they have people who will do volunteer visiting.  Salvation Army.  Do that and I feel your doorbell will soon be ringing.  Macmillan will have a local support group and you may get a visitor via there.

    Don't give up!

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Another thought have you contacted Madame Curie nurses.  There are a load of options open.  Perhaps some respite care in a hospice?

    Jan x

  • FormerMember
    Hi ericvan I understand. I have a friend who is dpi g the same and people on here who decided enough was enough and they wanted to enjoy their quality of live they had left. I think one has to weigh up the treatment against their own circumstances. I have a son who still needs me around so I'm up for doing some fairly gruelling treatment of it has a good chance of cure or giving me a lot more time but I am not afraid to die either. Fear I don't think is a reason to not do something though and it might be worth co spidering some palliative treatment at least and some of it isn't as bad as you think. Talk to the docs and mac nurses as they may at least be able to control the bleeding and keep you comfortable. My partner is a Buddhist and is quite relaxed about death and thinks we make a big fuss about it though it's the people youeVe behind that suffer and thy is what I dont want.... Anyway there Are people here who do and will understand so keep posting. Love little my x