Won't eat, Can't eat!

1 minute read time.

I am sure the irony of my blocked oesophagus can be lost on no-one. 25 years it took me to get on top of anorexia nervosa. I even got myself sectioned and detained against my ill it was so bad. I was not expected to live beyond my 20's , then beyond my 30's. Yet I have, with help, maintained my weight for 10 years. Now I'm fed through a tube and sucking chocolate to stay alive. If I stuff myself with chocolate and sickly milkshakes while adding 'maxijul' I may add. (I mean pure, empty calories), I may live. Professor Crisp must be reeling in his grave. Another irony is that he died in the very hospital where I receive my treatment and the staff remember him. When I told his colleague that I had this disease, he stated in clear medical terminology:-'What a bummer!'.

I have been wondering whether there is any kind of connection between the battering my body took while anorectic and getting this cancer at such a premature age and while being a non-smoker all my life but, who knows?

I guess e all look back and try to find reasons for our disease but maybe we are all just the unlucky ones in this area of life. Yet I can't help feeling I have had my fair share already.

Anorexia developed after dad'd suicide , step-dads death from heart disease and mum's 3rd marriage taking us all into an iraqie like war-zone, while mum lashed out at us over her own misfortunes in life. There is just me and my brother and his family left now. So as the oldest family member at 50 you could be right in thinking that longevity is not a family trait.

  • FormerMember

    Harvey my dear friend,

    Dont go looking for reasons as to why you have Cancer and what could have caused it. You wont find an answer. You have Cancer and that is that what you have to do is consentrate on getting better.

    The average age for the male side of my family is 60

    I am now the oldest living male member of my Family at 67. so There you go. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    I too come from a short lived family my mother father 2brothers and a sister all died before 50 now my son has just died at 45yrs. Its easy to think you are cursed I have often felt the same but its a fact of life and can not be changed, what can be changed is how we deal with it,not one of my family just gave in, they showed me that where there's life there's hope and for them I will fight till my last breath so when my time comes I can look them in the eye

    Try not to let what has gone before blight what you have you can still make your life worthwhile by getting the most out of it

    You have shown you have will power to come this far my thoughts are with you take care

    plum duff