The arrival of Lucy

2 minute read time.

I went with my friend, Sharron to the bunny sanctuary this morning and came home with a nine month old grey and white little angel called Lucy. Google has taken to her straight away and it is so funny to watch them getting acquainted. The sanctuary was overflowing with unwanted rabbits which is just so very sad. I wish I could have come home with armfuls of them.

However, 3 is my limit as Disney has to be kept alone due to her fear of all other animals. Still I will cherish little Lucy and try to give her the happiest life I possibly can. I find caring for my animals so very rewarding. People get baby bunnies and just lose interest when they reach adulthood and abandon them. I don’t understand it. My bunnies are my family.  Sharron works for the cat protection league and sees the effects of the ugliest of humanity.

Still today has been a good day. Today has not been all about cancer.

Yesterday was awful. I started to get a migraine on Friday and it really turned into a humdinger. It felt as if my brain was bursting out of my skull and I could not stop vomiting. In the end I called the out of hour’s surgery for advice. They were great and by 8pm I began to feel more human. I have suffered from migraines since childhood and they are miserable. The one good thing about them is the enormous relief when they end. Sometimes nothing seems to help. I am unable to swallow my normal preventative treatment as they only come in huge capsule form so I have been more prone to them since my diagnosis of cancer.

The Wiltshire farm foods have been a huge success. They really do look and taste like normal food despite being completely pureed. I heartily recommend them.

Google and Lucy are getting on like a house on fire. He tried to have his wicked way with her (they have both of course had the chop) but his inexperience told as she was round the wrong way and he bonked her head. He got it right the second attempt.

I am so afraid the cancer is not gone and I fear the words incurable, palliative care only. I fear the loss of hope. So often OC seems to come back. Is anyone actually ever cured of this terrible disease?

  • FormerMember

    Had the same problem as Google in my time - but hell thats not a story for on here !

    Glad you have found a suitable member for you little group - bet they get pampered more than most of us on here !

    OK  the only lesson I have leared since my DX 3 years ago is - never waste today by worrying about . tomorrow - it will not change anything.

    We can hide alone in the cold and the dark - or we can walk with friends in the warmth and sunshine but honest we will still arrive at the same point - just makes for a better journey - live everyday to the max Mate.


    J xx

  • FormerMember

    love and loads of hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    so glad u have a nice little bunny for your google to have fun with.

    my mum gets wiltshire meals she says they are ok but they tend to always have the same things.
