Preparing for radiation

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Radiation and chemo on wednesday.

I am scared of the side effects but I am even more scared that it won't work.

Increasingly I fear the cancer will not go. They still say cure is possible but increasing complications convince me that cure may not be a realistic prospect.

Maybe I am just in a pessimistic mood. I spent Christmas almost entirely alone and normally I manage quite ok but it felt so different this year. The knowledge that others celebrated while I simply got through it.

When I took my little tree down I found myself wondering whether I would be around next year to put it up again and the house seemed strange to me.

It feels  like all my home comforts have turned cold and alien


Cancer has invaded every tiny fragment of my existence and taken over every miniscule part of me and my little world.

I think that maybe when the radiation starts I will feel a little more in control as I get to grips with this silent, creeping invader.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Harveysmiles,

    Do not think you are alone in finding Christmas depressing at times, most people struggle at one time or another.

    Cancer is scary too ! but remember your care and treatments are being carried out by a team of very experienced professionals. Think you are right - the most scary thing is fear of the unknown - once the treatment starts maybe some of the fear will be easier to manage.

    Know you struggle with company and getting out - but maybe you post some more Blogs when you can - you will find caring people on here who have been down the same road you are on. They can offer help and advice  that you can read when you need or want to

    Almost every single person on here has been touched in some way by cancer, as a patient, carer, friend or relative, so we really do understand the fear and dread it can produce


    Good Luck for Wednesday - will you post something on here after the treatment starts to let your friends know how you are coping ?


    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey,

    John has hit the nail on the head yet again. You are not the only one alone at Christmas and the New Year. But you are on the right site for support,understanding and chat. Good luck for Wed .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi harvey

    well as i was reading your blog it could have been me writing exactly the same felt so alone over the season and i start chemo 12th january to say im not scared is such an understatement but nobody here seems to understand i know its to help me but the side effects are so scary when you read them and i thought how the hell am i going to get through this on my own then i realised im not on my own i have everyone on here to give me support and encouragement which i dont have at home

    my daughter is 19 my son 16 but they dont realise what i am going through and im just trying to make things ok for them so hey lets look forward to this as a journey we are just starting i will keep in touch and we can compare notes daily im sure we will have lots to report but im thinking im going to be strong and this bloody cancer has no right to be in my body invading my space how very dare it !!!!

    so take care and keep smiling im taking my decorations down tomorrow carefully putting them away for next year because i will be here to do it i can assure you of that !!!

    loads of love jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey,

    Sorry your Christmas wasn't such a good one, understandable under the circumstances, you've not had a great year and Christmas is that time isn't it, when all our emotions come forward, good and bad and slap us in the face or rejoice with us.  I hope your radio goes well - just a little note, my Mum had radio on her chest area and also on her head at a later stage, and she was ok with it, so, I hope you are the same and I hope it nails this cancer for you.  


    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey, best of luck tomorrow! Radiation was not so bad for Ed. We dreaded it, too, but the reality was that the technicians became friends and the side effects are manageable. Aloe vera gel worked miracles on the "sunburned" skin. How many sessions will you get? Ed got 25. Zap those cancer cells!

    You are right, cancer invades every single part of your life. Keep fighting, we're right here with you.

    Pilla xx