2nd round of chemo

1 minute read time.

My tumour does not seem to be responding as well to the chemo as was hoped so despite the increased risk of side effects and damage to other organs radiation will begin sooner than originally planned. Also the chemo will continue for a further cycle than initially planned. Still I was warned that 'tumours can grow as well as shrink' on chemo. They hoped the radiation could be less radical if the tumour was shrunk first but , it seems that my cancer has other ideas. It feels like a set back but I am coming to appreciate that if I am to get through this with ant sanity remaining, I am going to have to learn to take the bad news with the good and find ways to prevent myself from getting too downhearted by these setbacks for if there is one thing I am certain of, there are many more to come.

I am so grateful for this online haven.

And I have sent off my application form and subscription to the south London cancer support centre in Purley as I think I am going to need a bit more emotional support. My brother does try but he has so many other committments with ork, wife and children, he can only make the 2-3 phonecalls a week and it is not enough so PALS at the Marsden contacted this centre for me and having read all the blurb, it sounds like just what I need.

The rabbits are great although Google has discovered football and was bashing a ball around all night and , if I could have stopped laughing I may have throttled him. What a cutie?!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey,

    I like the way you are responding to your setback.

    Its that type of thinking can get you through all of this. Hope all goes well, look after your rabbits. All the Best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.