Happy New Year ?......

2 minute read time.
This time last year I was planing my retirement,rudely healthy and life was good.Cancer decided to interrupt all that.So I had my nephrectomy,the consultant said they got all the cancer out and it had been there for probably two to three years.I felt so fortunate as my mum had kidney cancer but was not so fortunate.So reflecting on the past year.I have had several bouts of haematuria sometimes with infection sometimes not.My scans and other tests have been clear so I dont get that panicky feeling now when it happens you know the one "is IT back "I have retired earlier than I intended,divorced my now ex husband,and gone from a person who had not been near their GPs surgery since 2005 to one of those who seem to haunt their GPs surgery not to mention all the hospital visits.The worst thing in all this is that my brother has recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer and is awaiting his op.This all sounds a bit depressing a lot depressing really but I'm not down I think because I have always been a get on with it sort of person.Life says here's some S***e I say where's my shovel.My friends keep telling me be positive I am more like my mum who used to say "think the worst and hope for the best then your never disappointed" The bests bits have been the realisation of how wonderful my friends are,how amazing my daughters are (their mum diagnosed with cancer and their dad leaving all at the same time).I am no longer a control freak and I know what's really important to me.Im learning to drive but at present I am a danger to myself and others but will one day who knows when pass my test.My daughters arranged a birthday party for me with all my friends and I was able to thank them all for their love,support and help,it was a birthday that I thought I would'nt see.I joined this site and found or did they find me? Some very special people who have supported me through the tough times when they themselves have had far worse to cope with than me.They have made me laugh when I could barely raise a smile,they also made my bin infamous. I'm looking forward to doing the Race for Life with Ems and LM,I'll be walking there will be no running involved.So Happy New Year ?... To you all and a BIG THANK YOU Cruton xxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Oh Cruton ....... what a lovely blog and well done ( not in a head-tilty way ) for being determined to just get on with it. I think that cancer changes us so much ....... in a way, I feel stronger and more able to cope with whatever is thrown at me. Maybe it's this basic survival switch kicking in - who knows ? So enjoy your driving lessons and time spent with your lovely daughters ....... make the most of everything.

    Good luck in the Race for Life ......... and indeed it is a Happy New Year !

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cruton,

    Thanks to Joycee's instructions I'm here!

    What a smashing blog, it's a joy to read especially as you overcame so much that was dropped on you from a great height including that berk who left you in the lurch. Your daughters sound wonderful and your friends are terrific, but you deserve them, never forget that.

    I'm so sorry about your brother and I do hope all goes well, but if he has one-tenth of your courage and s***-shovelling capacity then he'll be OK. You can tell him your bin will be ready should he need an outing before you pass your driving test.

    Good luck in the Race (Walk) For Life, you put me to shame. And Happy New Year!

    With lots of hive and logs,


  • FormerMember

    Men are stupid. Mostly. Your ex especially so. But yay! for having lovely daughters and a big shovel.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cruton, OAFW,

    When you get to that driving test tell the examiner that you are already an experienced bin driver, and you've done that whilst under fire from cancer and come through unscathed.

    Would I have fitted that engine to the bin if I had known you didn't have a driving licence. Well probably because I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be the policeman who dared to stop you after reading that blog. it is so positive, no wonder we were so successful when we went into battle.

    Good luck with the rest of your journey and may it get easier for you.

    It is s***ty that your brother now faces the same battle, but with you by his side I'm sure he will win the fight.

    Yay for lovely daughters and big hugs for them.

    As for you I'm sending the biggest of real Welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cruton,

    I did laugh when I read you are learning to drive and said you are a danger on the roads, but also cos I thought to myself you now have a free bus pass! Good luck with the driving I reckon you'll do it, watch out for parking / speeding fines, but if you do get any I suggest you feed them to your ex so he chokes. (I hope most men aren't stupid Hils, perhaps it depends on the ones we know!)

    I have always been given a warm feeling by your kind hearted comments Cruton and feel very lucky to know you, your brother is very lucky to have such a brave and caring lady. My best wishes to him. Perhaps he needs to ride side car with you, so get one of those mini wheelie bins, stick it to yours and you can both take the journey side by side.

    My Wife just said to me 5 minutes ago, "When are we going to get some good luck?" All I could think of replying was "When we least expect it". Does that sound positive? I guess I am shovelling the dirty stuff too and hoping that eventually all this muck will turn into brass of a sort.

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx