
1 minute read time.

I feel better at the moment.  More positive than last time I was here.  I've not wanted to cry and hit things for a few days.  I'm still very nervous about my scans though.  

I had a day yesterday which really made me feel human.  It was lovely.  Two friends came to visit me who live in London.  We drove over to Newlands Corner, where we had some lunch in a cafe.  I had a gorgeous sausage sandwich - very tasty.  With some chips to pick at.  The service was disgusting and it tested my patience.  After this we left and went for a beautiful walk, with lots to talk about.  After that we went to the Silent Pool, which looked beautiful but definitely looks better in the summer.  We then went to a lovely pub called the Onslow Arms in Clandon where we had drinks and dessert.  It was gorgeous!  I got home gone 8pm and I wasn't worn out.  I was full of fresh air and I was happy.  I'd had a day out and I didn't feel like I was sick.  I was just out, talking and laughing.  I slept well too.

I'm looking forward to getting my life back and enjoying everyday.

Have a good day everyone xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hj,

    Its good to hear when some has a good day, it makes me feel good. Just dont overdo the Sausage sandwiches. Keep smiling, and look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    It's amazing how some time spent with friends can make you feel so much better! I am lucky that several ex-colleagues from work, retired like me, have taken time to contact me and meet up for lunch. Afterwards I can be tired but the feeling of support is well worth it.

    Glad you also had a good time and hope that it happens often.


  • FormerMember

    hiya h j i am so glad you had a great day its great that you  have good friends who you can call true friends having cancer certainly makes you realise who are true friends or who are what i call hangers on or klingons haha!! i recently felt so low that low in fact i wanted to end it all stupid i know as i have three wonderful boys who are my life but if it hadnt been for my best friends who dragged me out for a few hour i would not be here now,i laughed so hard it was fab,laughter is certainly the best medicine of them all keep ya chin up chick we'll all get there in the end       big hugs from marie x x