Day 4

1 minute read time.

It's been four days since I was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

I thought I'd be more upset.  I thought I'd be crying constantly.  I thought my world would cave in.  But I'm at work, I'm dressed, I've got my make up on and I'm thinking about what to have for lunch.  It's not even 10am yet.  Hunger has officially entered the building.

My biggest concerns today are:

  • What to have for lunch - I want something which isn't going to cause me too much discomfort because today they pain isn't too bad.
  • What should I buy for Helen for her birthday?
  • Completing my extenuating circumstances for university, as I won't be sitting my exams or handing in an essay.

I think in my head the main thought is "Tuesday 28 December 2010 my life was one way, and I had thoughts and worries.  Dreams, ambitions, goals etc.  Monday 10 January 2011 my life as I knew it was taken away, and I was handed a new one, which is a bit more complicated"  Things that used to bother me, no longer even register as worry or an irritant.  I no longer calorie count.  I no longer run for the train that is just departing.  I get the next tube, if it's too crowded.  I don't rush when it's raining.  It's only rain.  I've found a calm inside me I didn't know existed.

My new fears involve worrying about my family, and how they're coping.  How my Employer will treat me.  How my friends will treat me.  My finances and how I will keep them all in check.  My treatment and what's to come.  It's the unknown that does it for me.  It's one big guessing game.   And the big one.  Will I see my 30th birthday?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Drew

    Thank you so much for your message.  I'm going to read your journey.  I plan to remain as positive as possible.

    Great news to hear you're year one - this is definitely the sort of thing I need to hear at the moment!

    Hannah x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Angela C

    I think it's amazing how we find coping mechanisms we obviously have no idea we have, until required!  I'm constantly amazed.

    Thank you for the message, and I shall keep people posted on my journey.  I think this is the ideal place to be.  Somewhere where I can say what I want without upsetting friends and family.

    Hi Sarfield

    My sense of humour has gone into overdrive this week.  My colleague's are loving it.  I'm pleased I've found this place, and it's reassuring to know I have somewhere to come knowing there are other's out there who know what I'm going through.

    Thank you as well for the message and kind words.

    Hannah x

  • FormerMember

    hi hannah

    just thought i'd post my new wife jeanette was diagnosed with stage3c cancer of the ovaries with secondaries in the stomach and lungs

    diagnosed in dec 2010 started carbo/taxol feb 2011

    9 weeks of chemo then debulking then 9 more weeks of chemo straight into her stomach they say they've had good results from this

    your right when you say you initially panic we got married within 2 weeks made our wills prepared our 12 year old daughter for her mums imminent death then slowly we thought hang on it's not the end so we actually started doing the things we enjoy and to hell with the mundane we talk about it all the time try to explain to our daughter all about it so she's not so scared family and friends have been brilliant

    so all in all chin up have a laugh and say .... it

                love today tomorrow and forever