Day 4

1 minute read time.

It's been four days since I was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

I thought I'd be more upset.  I thought I'd be crying constantly.  I thought my world would cave in.  But I'm at work, I'm dressed, I've got my make up on and I'm thinking about what to have for lunch.  It's not even 10am yet.  Hunger has officially entered the building.

My biggest concerns today are:

  • What to have for lunch - I want something which isn't going to cause me too much discomfort because today they pain isn't too bad.
  • What should I buy for Helen for her birthday?
  • Completing my extenuating circumstances for university, as I won't be sitting my exams or handing in an essay.

I think in my head the main thought is "Tuesday 28 December 2010 my life was one way, and I had thoughts and worries.  Dreams, ambitions, goals etc.  Monday 10 January 2011 my life as I knew it was taken away, and I was handed a new one, which is a bit more complicated"  Things that used to bother me, no longer even register as worry or an irritant.  I no longer calorie count.  I no longer run for the train that is just departing.  I get the next tube, if it's too crowded.  I don't rush when it's raining.  It's only rain.  I've found a calm inside me I didn't know existed.

My new fears involve worrying about my family, and how they're coping.  How my Employer will treat me.  How my friends will treat me.  My finances and how I will keep them all in check.  My treatment and what's to come.  It's the unknown that does it for me.  It's one big guessing game.   And the big one.  Will I see my 30th birthday?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hannah

    Your post has really struck a cord with me - I'm still waiting for diagnosis and if the news does turn out to be bad, I'm sure I won't feel worse than I do now.

    Can I ask how long you experienced symptoms and how long it took to get a diagnosis?

    I totally get how your priorities change, and I think you're remarkable!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hannah - I was diagnosed in December 2009 and had nearly a year of treatment - chemo, radiotherapy and finally surgery. Currently I am one year on "with no discernable signs that the cancer has returned." My cancer journey is posted on this site - The Demise of Roland Ratso, Roland's Revenge and Roland Ratso - the aftermath. It all depends where you are and how far the rogue cells have multiplied - if they contained in the bowel then chances are it will "cured" - if it's outside the bowel then it's a bit more difficult and so on.

    I told people and still tell them how it is and how it was but most of all stay positive.

    Good luck and keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi Hannah

    Like you, I thought I would fall apart if I ever had a cancer diagnosis, but surprised myself when I didn't. I only waited a week for my surgery, which was a bowel resection and a radical hysterectomy. This all happened at the end of June 2009, and was followed by chemo which finished February 2010. I'm now back at work and cancer free!

    I wish you all the very best as you start your cancer journey, and look forward to hearing of your progress.

    Angela x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hannah,

    There you see you are half way there already. The right Attitude,sense of homour and most of all. You have your friends here on this site only willing to help in any way we can. If you just want to chat scream roar and shout.There will always be someone here to listen. You will see your 30th Birthday. All the best and Good Luck with the treatment.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi SarahOIM

    Amazingly the week prior to my diagnosis I was a mess.  I was a sobbing mess.  I then went into overdrive and organised all my finances.  I needed to regain control somewhere.  I've never done so much personal admin in my life! Even my payslips are filed!

    My symptoms probably started the end of 2009.  Change in bowels, which I put down to stress of family issues, uni and work.  I also thought it might be my diet.  Then throughout 2010 I put up with strange stomach activities, and the odd pain when I stood for too long.  I put that down to my job as I'm stood up for long periods of time.  It wasn't until October 2010 that I realised things weren't right.  My bowels were even worse, and blood occasionally appeared.  The pain started, especially when stood up - I didn't have to be stood for long either.  I felt like I had a weight inside my bum which was trying to get out of me.  I went to the Doctor and she organised a blood test and stool sample.  She tried to blame a possible infection I may have picked up in Thailand that summer.  But she wouldn't listen to me explaining this happened way before Thailand.  Bloods came back fine.  Stool sample was so bad/liquidy that they couldn't use it.  No one ever told me this.

    Things eventually became too much during December.  I noticed I was finding it uncomfortable to sit or stand.  Walking was the only thing that eased the pain.  Blood was more frequent.  The pain seemed to stay for longer too.  Then over Christmas the straining started, and the constant need to go to the toilet.  The pain got so bad I couldn't sleep or concentrate on whatever I was doing.  It drove me to tears.  Before all this I hadn't been to the Doctor's in about six years.  I'm usually pretty stubborn and just work through pains or complaints, but this one had beaten me.  

    I went to the Dr on Wednesday 29 December 2010 - he carried out a rectal examination and found a lump.  He referred me to a Surgeon the very next day, where I had another examination and a biopsy.  Tuesday 4 January 2011 I had my MRI scan.  Wednesday 5 January 2011 I got a call from the Surgeon to tell me he had my biopsy and blood results and that it is serious.  He then booked me a CT scan for Thursday 6 January 2011.  He also told me he would see me on Monday 10 January 2011 to tell me everything.  So just under two weeks.  It feels like it's been months, all the waiting, but looking back while typing this I'm quite surprised.  

    You definitely won't feel as worse as you do now.  I hope it's good news and I hope you hear soon.  Hope you're taking care of yourself.  Keep in touch and let me know what happens?