Day 1 of no IV antibiotics or radiotherapy.

1 minute read time.

Well, I woke up this morning when I felt ready.  I didn't have a cannular in, and I didn't have to sit and wait for my antibiotics to go through me over an hour.  I was able to take it by mouth instead.

I've had breakfast, and watched tv.  I've got dressed and put some make up on.  Shortly I'll walk down to the chemist.  I've not walked very much lately and haven't been outside since Sunday.  I'm rather looking forward to it.  I just hope while I'm out my bowels don't start working.  Always something I have to think about when leaving the house.

I've not needed a nap yet, but might have one later on today. For now though I'm just enjoying feeling a little bit more human than yesterday.

Today I've been starting to plan a pub quiz I am doing to organise money for charity.  So much to think about, especially the actual quiz questions.  I want it to be fun, but also a bit of a test on my colleagues. 

Tomorrow I'm seeing my Consultant to discuss my medication and to see what I can come off.  I think she wants to reduce my MST tablets.  That's fine, as they do make me drowsy however I don't want to be left in pain.  Eeek.

Anyway, I must be off for now.  Hope everyone is OK ;-)

Take care all

Hannah xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi hannah

    well you do make me laugh re your bowels its true we leave our modesty at the door when we are on here my friends ...... if we aint talking about diahrrea we are talking about constipation being sick etc etc happy days lol we have to laugh though a sense of humour does help us to get through if you can laugh at yourself thats half the battle my friend pauline was going out for a meal friday but she was so constipated and had to take tabs only thing was she said hope the tabs dont work when im in the chinese i so laughed bless her know its not funny what we have to put up with so i hope you did manage to get to the chemist without any problems glad you are bearing up hun and enjoy the lovely sunshine we are having

    take care

    love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Know what you mean with the Diarrhoea and going out. Timing fetching the paper can be a bit of a challenge. Just remember that scene in one of thecarry on films where two doctors are betting they can diagnoe a patient by just looking at him.

    Peter Butterworth walks gingerly acros the set

    Doc 1 "Hernia"

    Doc 2 "Piles"

    They ask him

    Peter " you thought henia, you were wrong. You thought piles, ou were wrong. I thought I was going to break wind, Iwas wrong!! Oaraphrased for brevity.