Part 2 continued – kindness

Less than one minute read time.

One thing I realised when I read my blogs back is how I did not recognise the overwhelming support I have had from friends, family and people I didn’t even know that well.

Support has come not just from those closest to me but a random colleague who has stopped me and said I heard what happened, I am so sorry and asked me how I am, offered support and said that they really meant it, they weren’t just saying it and I honestly believe they did!

Also the fabulous practical support, one friend came round with tea, coffee and milk (as you often get short of these things in situations like this – as I think we all sometimes go by the motto if in doubt put the kettle on!), another friend handed me a bag with trashy magazines, a bottle of wine and some chocolate!

So to all your friends and family providing support – well done and I thank you – we couldn’t do it without you


  • FormerMember

    I work in civil engineering and when I returned to work, a few people avoided me because they're blokes and they don't want to be around some woman they think is going to be in tears all the time but one of our site foremen phoned me and just chatted for about half an hour, about my dad, about what'd happened and how I was doing. It was lovely and I'll forever be grateful to him for that. And the lovely couple who walk the two Newfoundlands on the same walk I do with my dog who offered to take him out anytime I couldn't as well as the friend who took him in for the last week of my dad's life so I didn't have to fret about whether my husband had remembered to feed him or had time to walk him. You really find out who the good people in your life are when a crisis hits and it's not always the people you assume it would be. Love Vikki x