what do we do for the best?

1 minute read time.

I'm feeling really sorry for myself and down in the dumps this week.  Must be christmas, and the weather.

I feel guilty as I haven't been doing anything, but I get tummy pains when I stand too long, but would it improved if  I made myself do more?  Should I make myself go for a walk, or take more excercise?

We had a busy week before Christmas with the grandchildren down and since then, apart from going out to lunch Christmas day have seen no-one.   What with the weather, and the  colds the family don't want to come near me 'in case' and so many friends don't seem to know how to respond when you are poorly without much chance of recovery but I did manage to persuade Mick that I needed to get out of solitary confinement today, so we actually had lunch out, went for a little walk then into a shop with a SALE!!  (Mick doesn't do shops/sales!).  I feel shattered now, with aches and pains I don't want, but at least I know there are still other people in the area!  What do I do? Should I make myself go out  and risk the pains I get when walking, or should I stay in and be comfortable and see no-one?  How long can it go on, it's been nearly 4 years now..... and everyone says how healthy I look, but this horrible disease won't let go -more chemo starting 10th january.  What a start to a New Year!

  • Sorry you're feeling low. I know that feeling of being 'stir crazy' this time of year. I think you should 'listen' to your body; obviously you  don't want to overdo it, but neither should you  hibernate. I think little trips out will lift your spirits.

    As to friends who don't want to 'say the wrong thing', well, as awkward as it is, I believe you have to set the agenda. 'Phone them up and say something like, "haven't seen you for ages. How about popping in for a cup of tea?" You could try to do something whilst they visit; play a game of cards, or suggest watching a DVD together. That way, you can have little chats about trivia and not feel the pressure of long conversations.

    Cyber hugs,


  • FormerMember

    I know what you mean about going out. I have to go out or l get very depressed. You should go out when you feel able just dont try to do too much.

    Kate makes a good suggestion about inviting your friends over.

    Good luck with your next lot of chemo.

    Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    ((hugs)) Badgerxx

    Everyone is entitled to some downtime, and the weather and season does nothing to help. Please don't feel guilty that you can't always do as much as you would like, instead remember all the things you have managed to do and the fight you are putting up against this awful disease. Friends are often well meaning but as you say, they often do not know how to cope with the fight that is Cancer and often avoid having to deal with it by avoiding you at just the time when you need them the most:(

    So sending you some hugs and knowing that you will find strength to keep up the fight and don't be so hard on yourself. Take every day as it comes, tommorow will hopefuly bring a better day for you. Love and best wishes, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    ((hugs)) Badgerxx

    Everyone is entitled to some downtime, and the weather and season does nothing to help. Please don't feel guilty that you can't always do as much as you would like, instead remember all the things you have managed to do and the fight you are putting up against this awful disease. Friends are often well meaning but as you say, they often do not know how to cope with the fight that is Cancer and often avoid having to deal with it by avoiding you at just the time when you need them the most:(

    So sending you some hugs and knowing that you will find strength to keep up the fight and don't be so hard on yourself. Take every day as it comes, tommorow will hopefuly bring a better day for you. Love and best wishes, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    love and hugs and thinking of you .....im  just diagnosed in october and chemo starts 12th january got word today so im not feeling overly happy right now down and tearful ...know what you mean about people avoiding you  not seen anyone for days myself but thats life aint it thought it was just me but suddenly i realised its not just me im not alone i have you all on here and thats worth everything to help me and yourself get through each day im so glad you are all beside us on my journey and on yours keep smiling im trying to take care

    best wishes for 2011

    love jen xxxxx