Chemo pre assessment meeting

2 minute read time.

Monday 24/06/24.

To get to this point had felt like a long time coming. All the tests, scans, poking and prodding had led to this point. No more waiting. No more lists or letters. Here we were, on a hot sunny day in Scarborough hospital,  in a room with a lovely nurse called Sue. She explained there were various tests she’d do and then a chemotherapy nurse named John would take us through the rest! 

She did the blood pressure first, just as well, i was getting hotter and hotter in the un airconditioned room! 142/78, not too bad! Considering the circumstances.

Blood test next, in and out with ease, she was a professional with my deep veins! Tip: Make sure you check they have PSA test written on the blood form if you want to know the result. It’s quite reassuring coming in to chemo cycle 1 to know where you stand. As it turned out mine was an outstanding 0.47. That HT Zoladex had really done the trick.

Next height and weight. I shrunk 1/2 an inch. Must be the cancer! They do this to work out the dose of Docetaxel needed. It is made up just for you based on your height and weight on that day. She also explained they prefer you not to gain or sadly in my case lose any weight, because then they have to reorder the chemo dose bags! 

lastly the ECG, I lost a few chest hairs with the sticky pads as per usual! 

Then it was John’s turn. He gave me a rundown on what would happen on the day. Issued me with a wallet with leaflets in it and a 24 hour emergency number to ring throughout the cycle's. Told me I’d need to get some free covid tests from the local pharmacy and do one on the morning, it felt like going back to 2020 all over again! Lastly he issued me with the steroids Dexamethsone to take the night before and day of cycle 1!

He also told us my Pat wouldn’t be allowed in the chemo room with me on the day. No one is since covid, makes sense I suppose. It’s to reduce cross contamination to the other patients. We were disappointed but understood the reason. 

we parted company and he said “we’ll see you Wednesday”

I left feeling prepared and strangely a little bit excited about the prospect of killing some of my cancer!

Next instalment: Sleep deprivation with Dexamethsone…

  • Magic, that. Great idea to start a blog - not only will you remember what's gone on and how you were it will be very informative for people who will be treading the same path in the future. (it may well be me - you never know)

    I like your style of writing too as I was almost in the room with you - and as you say this cancer business is great for your height. I went into my pre-op for my TURP operation at 5 foot 8 and left an hour later at 5 foot 7.

    Roll on the next instalment - i wish you well with the Chemo.

    Best wishes - Brian.

  • Hope it will help me remember and help others to get prepared. I have got up to date now with 4 instalments, the next one will be next Wednesday. Day 1-7 and then an update each week.

  • Thank you so much for blogging your journey. My husband has similar TNM score but Gleason 9 and due to start chemo in next 2 to 3 weeks.