Staying sane

1 minute read time.

I am new at this, but i think i am going to like having a place to vent both my frustrations and get advice and tips on how to cope.

The past 3 years have been very hard on my family, Both my parents died within months of each other- my mum died in 2009, she had pancreatic and breast cancer and my dad had a lung disease and died last year so you can imagine the shock my family  and friends were in when 6 months later i was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. My friends and family keep saying i'm brave and an insperation but i don't feel i deserve the praise as it's actually my friends, family and the fantastic supprt and treatment i have been getting from the Western and General Hospital that have done all the hard work.  Lets face it i've been doing exactly what the Dr's say and my family and close friends have kept me sane and looking on the bright side and being as normal as postible around me. I feel like my personality and my priorities have changed - i have less tolerance for people who only see the down side of things. I would normally encourage them to be positive but now i just avoid spending time with them. The plus side is that i have more time with people who are fun to be around. My relationship with my husband is better than ever and my daughter has shown she is tougher than i gave her credit for.

Ahhh that feels so good to get it off my chest.

thanks for listening,


Kerry xx

