Good days bad days

  • Good day


    Being a part of the Mac Family i feel like i am perfectly normal and incredibly lucky. Our moods go up and down with the drugs as we are all going through the same thing and yet our experience is unique to us. why am i lucky i hear you ask, well i have had some great advice and realised that feeling down can be turned on it's head quicker than scoffing a box of chocs by going on line and getting tips, hints and best of…

  • Staying sane


    I am new at this, but i think i am going to like having a place to vent both my frustrations and get advice and tips on how to cope.

    The past 3 years have been very hard on my family, Both my parents died within months of each other- my mum died in 2009, she had pancreatic and breast cancer and my dad had a lung disease and died last year so you can imagine the shock my family  and friends were in when 6 months later…