Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM4) Brain Cancer 1

  • August 2020 part 1


    So a year since my initial symptoms and so far things had been going as well as they could. A good result in both the Feb and May scans only showed a small residual sign of the tumour, unfortunately that was not the case in the August scan. After finishing 6 rounds of TMZ I felt pretty well, I had been exercising daily got my weight under control, my co-ordination and balance had improved and generally things were going…

  • July 2020


    After having the twitch in my foot my steroids were put back up to 1mg a day which prevented any more issues. Once the final round of chemotherapy was out of the way the consultant wanted to see if we start lowering it back down. The dosage went to 0.5mg for a week without any issues and then down to 0.5mg every other day. Unfortunately, within a couple of days I experienced another twitching episode in my foot, so the…

  • June 2020


    So finished 5th round of chemo fine, only one more round to go! Went to a local hospital for my bloods this time which was much easier than travelling all the way into the city. My potassium was still low so will have to work on that this month.

    I’d managed to drop my steroids down to 0.5mg a day and after finishing the 5th round of chemo went down to a tablet every other day and then a week later I came off them…

  • May 2020


    4th month of chemo and managed to get through it mostly ok. No sickness or even nausea this time and still managed to eat fine but it did wipe me out and the last few days and good couple days afterwards felt like I hadn’t slept! I suppose it could be a lot worse though so I should grateful for that at least. One other thing that I’ve noticed is that get terrible constipation while taking the tablets, not sure if that…

  • April 2020


    This is now my 9th entry and when reading through other people’s stories, I have to reflect and count myself as lucky to have made it this far. Though it also highlights to me on a 12-14 month prognosis that I’m now someway into that timeframe and that brings a whole new level of scary with it.

    So, at the start of April and a trip to the hospital for 3rd round of chemo and 4th and last round of immunotherapy…