August 2020 part 1

1 minute read time.

So a year since my initial symptoms and so far things had been going as well as they could. A good result in both the Feb and May scans only showed a small residual sign of the tumour, unfortunately that was not the case in the August scan. After finishing 6 rounds of TMZ I felt pretty well, I had been exercising daily got my weight under control, my co-ordination and balance had improved and generally things were going in the right direction with the hope of even returning to work.

I had however experienced 2 small twitches leading up to the August scan which did bring me back down to earth a bit and whatever the cause it probably wasn’t the best sign. And then the day before I went in for the scan result we went for a walk in the woods and I noticed that I had started to develop a bit of a limp.. another concern.

So I went in to the scan expecting some sort of change, however the result of the scan was more worrying than I had expected. There was a recurrence of the tumour, though this time multiple spots rather than one block like the original. While they weren’t huge, they were now quite deep and growing downwards. This meant that the growth of the tumours were cutting right through my spinal motor control nerves.

My case was put to the surgical team but due to the depth of the tumours they ruled out more surgical intervention. Instead I started a first round of PCV a few days ago in order to try and slow down the growth, so far it’s going ok, though that first day triple dose was rather brutal especially in all the heat we had.

My symptoms have also rapidly increased with a heavy limp in my leg and co-ordination issues in my arm and hand. I suppose it was inevitable that it would eventually get to this stage but at least that I should be content with having got through the past 8/9 months without any massive day to day issues.
