Mood swings and feelings

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Very good day today. Why? I just don't understand it.

Yesterday was bad. So tired in the afternoon that I lay on the bed and slept an hour or so.  Pains in the neck and head came on after breakfast and stayed most of the day. Took the usual ibuprofen tabs with little effect. I felt low and depressed about the whole prospect with dire thoughts about future secondary spread and the chemo that I might have to take.

Today felt fine.  Took one ibuprofen with breakfast as a precaution though neither pelvic pains nor headache were bothering me. Drove my wife into the city for her hair do, (a perm so it took two hours), and walked about doing a little shopping and talking with people.  Walking well without any tendency to limp as I sometimes do. Felt cheerful so I could smile at passers-by or talk with them.

So why am I euphoric today with almost no discomfort when yesterday I felt that the weeds must be spreading and the bicalutamide no longer working?  My head is definitely not around it yet.

  • FormerMember

    Hello David,

    Yay! for good days!

    Don't try to overanalyse it, but accept the good days with thanks and just do what's needed on the bad days.

    I'm afraid depression comes with the hormone therapy but is normally manageable. If it gets too bad see your GP to get some help.

    Good luck,


    PS Ibuprofen is a godsend. I sometimes feel I don't need it, but then I remember the effect when I had to give it up for ten days when I had the biopsy, so I keep up the dose.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Colin.

    Perhaps I do analyse too much (getting the old head around it).

    Had my first injection of Pentapeptyl (Triorelin) today. Thereafter walked home and did some useful work in the garden. Activity is my therapy and I hope I don't have to give it up. 

    Thanks for reading my blog and giving me a gentle nudge in the right direction.