Day 6 recovering

Less than one minute read time.

Woke up today and felt fine.  No nausea as yesterday.  Got up and made tea first then breakfast for us both.  Had been up every hour last night, passing huge quantities of fluid.  Found I had lost 2kilos, (4lbs) in the past 24hrs and feel much less bloated.  PU and bowels now no problem.  No need for laxative today and I begin to wonder if I still need tamsulosin to help me PU.  If not, first time in 2 years!

Food variable and suddenly feel I need an antinausea pill.  Given maxolon by the chemo unit so use that about twice a day.  Still very tired at times.  Yesterday, I think, I finished up at the meal table unable to think or speak more than a word or two.  Dead tired until the evening and not eating for most of two days.  So much better today.  Optimism returning.  Big question: is it worth going through this again in next cycles of chemo unless it really achieves something?  It's no good just being alive if I can't do anything and the chemo makes no real improvement.  (OK I'm incurable but that's not the same.  Cure not expected).
