Day 5, abiraterone

1 minute read time.

The 'wonder drug' finally arrived by courier van yesterday afternoon.  Opened the pack and read the instructions.  I am to take abiraterone on an empty stomach, not less than two hours after a meal and not less than one hour before eating. (!)  My colleagues on the Prostate Cancer group know all this of course. Prednisolone too, a drug I have always hoped to avoid; now it's supposed to help me.  So, as meals are variable in this house, I took it in the middle of last night.  I have to get up several times every night for PU anyway so this is no hardship.

Today I'm not so good.  I started well but by the afternoon all my energy had gone.  I was achey and uncomfortable, I hope it's just the start of the switchover to the new drug. 

This evening I returned to the computer.  To be positive I will describe my viualisations.  The prostate gland was the start of my cancer and it spread, stealthily without making me ill, to my bones.  So I go back to the source.  I see my prostate as a cave with walls of some light, crystalline rock.  It could be granite.  In this cave the aliens are sitting around, on a circular bench, eating maggot sandwiches.  The Team, (of white immune cells) surround the cave so no alien can escape.  We stun the aliens with a spray of fruit juices in their weakened state from the drugs I have been taking.  We break down the door to the cave, grab the comatose aliens and drag them out.  Then they are cast out into the waste system to be eaten up by the scavenging seagulls in the outer world.  Now that I have started abiraterone, the alien miners' food, the maggot sandwiches, have been poisoned with the drugso that the maggots will weaken any remaining aliens anywhere in my body.

I also have repeated and refined the bone breathing.  I find it restful and have to do it lying down on the bed where I am not disturbed.  One day I expect I shall fall asleep doing it.

  • FormerMember
    Hello David, you say you are an outdoor guy but reading your posts I think you have had a career in journalism. You certainly have a brilliant imagination. I certainly enjoy your blogs/posts/replies. When I had a prognosis of a few short months I started to think "why should I die?" At that I started to summon, indeed implore my white immune cells to work hard on my behalf. I would say "go on you can do it, you can destroy the big bad tumour bit by bit". Then crystal clear water would wash it away. A wee bit more than that but Nothing as exciting as the life that goes on in your pelvis, I've never tried maggot sandwiches, I prefer them hot on toast. I'm sure we can harness healing power, which for the time being, lies latent in the wider world. This I call on regularly. The other day I saw a lovely wallpaper I may use to decorate my cave (pelvis) !!!!!!!! Keep on writing and healing David80. Love Elma. xx
  • FormerMember

    Hello Elma,  thank you for your wonderful response to my blogging.  I say wonderful because you made my day with your description of "maggots hot on toast"!!  You have absolutely the right attitude to this malignant disease that has brought all of us together.  Please go on with your imaging and give me some hints from time to time.

    Yes, I am an outdoor sort of guy.  There seems to be a consensus on the MacMillan site not to state what our real job in life is/was.  I don't intend to break this taboo which must be there for some reason.  I didn't have a career in journalism and I'm a failed fiction writer as I was unable to sell my imagination in stories!  My job now is to make the most of my life and to bring people together with smiles and understanding wherever I happen to be.

    I had another thought last night that perhaps my prostate 'cave' might not have granite walls.  In my case the alien miners got out, into the blood stream and into my bones rather than making a dash for the nearest lymph nodes.  Perhaps my wonderful immune system, in those nodes, frightened them off?  So there has to be an access point for the aliens to have used.  I'll work on that.  The cave's ventilation or water supply perhaps and then it could still have crystal granite walls?

    Anyway I'm much better right now.  I have very little pain, my appetite is good and I'm cheerful, not least from your responses and those of others.  Have a good day with love.