Day 3 diet and visualisations

1 minute read time.

Interesting day.  First the regime: lots of fruit and now the visualisations with bone breathing as mentioned in Day 2.  I have extended the bone breathing to include the whole skeleton.  As many will know the human skeleton from museums etc, imagining this is not too difficult.  To the foot-leg-thigh-pelvis breathing I have now added the arms to include the rib cage and spine at the same time; from left hand through forearm and humerus to ribcage and back.  Ditto for the right hand.  Seven times each. Then across from right hand to left across the ribcage and back again.  Seven times.  I then added the spine, from the tailend (coccyx) to the top of my head.  Seven times up and down.  It was interesting that as I did the spinal one my spine seemed to light up, bright white with some illumination of the ribs on the way.  All this is not original to me but comes from the book "Living Proof" and is based on Chinese breathing exercises.

In the visualisation I have decided to chase the enemy out of my bones as follows:  The team with me is in white overalls and represents my immune system in the form of white cells in my blood.  We enter the bone marrow where the alien miners, aided by their rats, eat away at the bone face and destrooy it if they can.  The team and I grab them, arrest them, poison the rats and take them all away to be cleared from my system by a flock of white seagulls capable of eating anything!  The abiraterone will assist all this by poisoning the aliens and their rats but not me!  Note the difference, that chemo would risk poisoning aliens and me, which explains why I chose abiraterone.

Then there was the abiraterone that failed to arrive and I spent a lot of time on the phone.  It will arrive tomorrow but I have learnt a lot about the distribution process along the way. I am assured that both the abbi and the steroid I must take with it will arrive in the same package.  We shall see.
