Chemo minus 3

1 minute read time.

Trying to get ready for the big day.  Have tried to correct my profile for this blog but have found no way of doing so.  My diagnosis was 2013 not "this year" as in the blog profile, above. The blog entries are editable but not the profile heading. 

Went for a pre-chemo blood test today at my GP surgery but forgot the blood form.  This was because, at the last minute,  my wife decided to come with me to see her GP at the same surgery, but without an appointment!  As she is so slow we were almost late for my appointment and I had difficulty parking near the surgery.  In our rush, I forgot the blood form.  The blood-taker was very helpful and took what she knew I would need tested but asked me to phone the details on the form when I got home, as time for collection to the hospital lab was very close.

Another pressure this week; tomorrow my wife has her hair done in Exeter as she has just booked the appointment.  Thursday I have to be at oncology at 0830 for the assessment and on Friday I go for the chemo itself.  Three drives to Exeter on successive days.  Next week I think that would have been impossible and would have to say no.  Pleas in recent months to find a hairdresser nearer to home to avoid the drive into Exeter have fallen on deaf ears.

Not much change in symptoms since stopping abiraterone.  Possibly fewer hot flushes, (still on decapeptyl injections every 3 months).  Bowels have settled down a bit and perhaps less sacral pain by day but painful pins and needles in legs and sacral pain at night.  Ibuprofen and paracetamol with our late evening meal followed by tramadol as getting into bed all seem to help.  No need for tramadol by day or I would be too drowsy to drive.   See what tomorrow brings.
